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Everything posted by JCookie

  1. If they're good enough they'd have a team. I'd rather a good youngster like Newman has 3 teams and as much racing time as possible, as opposed to some others who are no more than NL riders.
  2. Only if it means he is 100% confirmed as a Brit now, anything other and he shouldn't be in.
  3. I don't mind the Wild Cards if they are top class riders who aren't in the GPs, but the likes of Balinski and Jonasson just don't seem worth it.
  4. OK meeting. Good to see the true King is back with a GP win, more than deserved. Laguta shaping up to be 2011's answer to Woffinden and not looking impressive. Nice to see lots of new kevlars and designs.
  5. I don't look at averages. I'm from the MainMan school of management. I look deep into a riders' mind and I say CAN YOU DO THIS?
  6. Got to be better options than Baseby, even Newman is better than him.
  7. Poor Kenneth is better off out of it, such a great rider who is always being criticized. Sad.
  8. As I said, always going OTT, a disgusting remark that my post did not warrant, but as I say I expected nothing less from people like you.
  9. What do you expect from Birmingham fans? Apart from 1 or 2 they're always going OTT and whining about something.
  10. When does he come in to Edinburgh's side?
  11. Wasn't the best meeting i've ever seen but this is life. Got home in 21 minutes so at least the wife and kids were happy.
  12. I assume Nedermark will get a new average after 4h/4a like the rest of assessed riders do. Could we see Nedermark dropping to around 4.5 and King returning with lots of points free?
  13. I read the topic to find out different track records, i'm asking you what use is it knowing the average speed.
  14. Bryn i'm heading in from Dartford, how's the traffic looking at your end Bryn.
  15. Shame we can't find someone a bit more challenging, perhaps a fellow World Cup finalist. Denmark would have been excellent opponents.
  16. Lets take BSPA on that BBC programme, you can be Uri Geller.
  17. Happy Birthday Vyacheslav Kryzhanivskiy.
  18. Spot on. Looks as though some don't like the truth.
  19. 01: Josef Franc 3 1 2 0 1 =7 02: Chris Holder 2 3 1 3 1 =10 03: Kevin Doolan 1 0 0 1 2 =4 04: Carl Wilkinson X 0 0 0 0 =0 05: Chris Neath 2 2 0 0 2 =6 06: Michal Makovsky 1 1 1 1 1 =5 07: Jason Lyons 3 2 2 3 3 =13 08: William Lawson 0 1 1 0 R =2 09: Mark Lemon 0 0 2 2 2 =6 10: James Wright 2 0 1 2 2 =7 11: Shane Parker 3 1 0 1 1 =6 12: Andre Compton 1 3 3 =7 withdrawn 13: Tomas Topinka 0 3 3 2 3 =11 14: Gary Havelock 2 2 3 2 3 =12 15: Magnus Zetterstrom 3 3 2 3 3 =14 16: Danny Bird 1 2 3 3 0 =9 Heat 01: Franc, Holder, Doolan, Speight 61.1 Heat 02: Lyons, Neath, Makovsky, Lawson 61.3 Heat 03: Parker, Wright, Compton, Lemon 61.6 Heat 04: Zetterstrom, Havelock, Bird, Topinka 60.5 Heat 05: Topinka, Neath, Franc, Lemon 61.0 Heat 06: Holder, Havelock, Makovsky, Wright 60.6 Heat 07: Zetterstrom, Lyons, Parker, Doolan 61.0 Heat 08: Compton, Bird, Lawson, Wilkinson 62.1 Heat 09: Bird, Franc, Makovsky, Parker 61.6 Heat 10: Compton, Zetterstrom, Holder, Neath 61.2 Heat 11: Havelock, Lemon, Lawson, Doolan 62.7 Heat 12: Topinka, Lyons, Wright, Wilkinson 62.9 Heat 13: Lyons, Havelock, Woffindon, Franc 61.0 Heat 14: Holder, Topinka, Parker, Lawson 61.0 Heat 15: Bird, Wright, Doolan, Neath 61.7 Heat 16: Zetterstrom, Lemon, Makovsky, Wilkinson 62.0 Heat 17: Zetterstrom, Wright, Franc, Lawson E/F 62.0 Heat 18: Lyons, Lemon, Holder, Bird 62.2 Heat 19: Topinka, Doolan, Makovsky, Speight 62.7 Heat 20: Havelock, Neath, Parker, Wilkinson 62.5 Semi Final: Topinka, Havelock, Holder 61.5 GRAND FINAL: ZETTERSTROM, Lyons, Havelock, Topinka 61.4 Read more: http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=ind06&action=display&thread=1502#ixzz1JDI4kFun
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