Seemingly Josh Bates is riding for Mildenhall today....anyone know any different??
Forget this my mate down in suffolk has got his wires
Depends if David Howe is back "on it" although a lot could depend on Birks he had a nightmare the last time he was on will be close but I think the diamonds will clinch it over the 2 meetings.
Riders have been banned for less than what Ward has done...He has just heaped up a load more pressure on himself..EVERYWHERE and i mean everywhere he will be in the spotlight...can he handle it?? who knows time will tell whether he is another flawed genius..
Can anyone pull off a masterstroke and get Mr. Gollob there?? I reckon he would put 2/300 on the gate would gladly pay £20 to see him go around Shielfield Park.