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Everything posted by robert72

  1. I know they tried and found it very hard work but so did sudden sam who tried to help.
  2. neb, that is still more passes than a night at BP, how can you compare sheffields track that has produced many great speedway meetings to a track like BP LOL The sheffield promotor is one of the best in the sport,he cares about his speedway buisness and the fans, this cant be said for DH its time you put facts together before your constant personal attacks
  3. Good post,I think the radio interview summed DH up, he lives in his own world. Sad but more people are voting with there feet weekly as crowds fall and he is really putting the future of the club at risk. Is there a link to the radio interview,i would like to listen again.
  4. He was happy with the track and said the riders were also happy and they are why we are not making changes
  5. please tell me what difference that will make to when i spoke to him face to face at BP ? Good luck to those asking questions,doubt he will agree to change but we all live in hope
  6. Sounds a good idea You only have to read the match threads over the last 24 months and you will see that so many people have said about the poor track, your right, making the straights alot shorter would make a start,then make the bends round. These would be fair questions How with a blank sheet,with tracks like scunthorpe,somerset,kings lynn as a template could you get it so wrong ? Is he worried about why so many fans have walked away because he refuses to make the changes needed for better racing.
  7. Lets compare the promotors of the tracks above,who would you have running leicester speedway,tony mole,rick frost or david hemsley ?
  8. Another night of NON racing, its now time the promotion made serious changes or put it up for sale before the sport is completely finnished in leicester.
  9. What was in the programme notes last night? Next weeks will be interesting
  10. Why did they sign a rider like bjerre who was likely to miss so many matches ? Will he be there tomorrow at BP
  11. I think alot of people wont part with anymore cash until things are changed.
  12. Blackbird scored more than BOTH our reserves put together today so yes i do care and i bet a number of lions fans also feel the same, we should of kept blackbird and got rid of nielsen & graversen first,oops i also forgot about kerr who got paid 9 today, thats 2 good riders we chucked away.
  13. Tina, please dont talk about how riders ride a bike unless you have done it yourself as it looks silly to those who have raced on here.The problem at BP is down to the shape and NOT the riders.
  14. What a stupid attitude about putting things like making racing better to the bottom of the queue,hemsley is killing speedway at leicester who is in the gang neb? Superb post and also to add to that, if plans were drawn out by track experts and fans were told the cost of changes,i think they would help raise that money towards it being changed.
  15. No it doesnt tell the whole story,You say if hemsley wasnt there then there wouldnt be a problem, thats partly right,because anyone with sense would change the track,You also make it out to be personal and not about the product that is wrong. I guess you would carry on going to a restaurant and not complain even though the food is disgusting,pay them and smile as you leave saying it was lovely.
  16. She isnt the first and wont be the last to leave after words with hemsley.
  17. Do you seriously think its good buisness to even think about elite league for leicester,I think that was another pipe dream that they knew was not affordable for the club but what fans wanted to hear, shame they dont put more evert into the main issue the track. So the promotors wife has gone from the club now, will her husband follow?
  18. I suggest he sells now then to save leicester speedway because at the moment he is killing it.
  19. Yes and he built a large cycle speedway track and ruined the dreams of many leicester fans who wanted to see real speedway racing on a track fit to produce overtaking, how could one person mess up from a blank sheet and still refuse to change things. It would take a real man to put there hands up and say i got it wrong and change it.
  20. nob, you keep on with your threats of meeting up? are you that dumb as to think i would meet you and like others we have spoken to hemsley,we have filled out the questionaire,nothing has been done. so far you havnt shown that you have a clue on business or speedway so i guess you should not try and make silly comments at those who do. yes fans will vote with there feet, sadly those who have spent alot of money on season tickets are stuck to watch that every week,those people i feel sorry for as they were led to believe big changes were to be made to the track during the winter. nob, do you not fear for the future of leicester speedway if you are happy people like myself are walking away?
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