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Everything posted by robert72

  1. There are sponsors out there if they bother to look. I use to spend a lot of time in the winter going from business to business looking for sponsors,it's a lot easier now through using the Internet. You look at the price for a couple to watch 15 races dragged out and what else they could do for the same money or cheaper. Speedway is far too expensive for a dying sport with no big stars.
  2. Are you 100% sure as it was mentioned awhile back that Saturday was the agreed race night with the council when agreeing the terms of bringing speedway to BP but maybe it's changed.
  3. It's a little different, promotors could get lots of sponsors to cover costs and keep prices down which would help bring more fans back to the sport.
  4. Doesn't the main race night have to be on a Saturday due to the lease agreement ?
  5. Speedway should be a £10 sport it's not worth any more.
  6. The shape of the track and lack of racing was the cause of so many walking away, so it's a priority to make huge track changes and to show those who walked that things have changed and to give it another try, this was the major down fall of DH reign in charge.
  7. Buster needs to get the machinery in now to dig the track up and reshape it if he is serious to make a go at it at Leicester.
  8. So buster is going to have dealings with 3 clubs in the top flight, this sport gets better
  9. But you can make false accusations ? So pleased you are happy to let lions fans have there thread back, so kind of you as a wolves fan who constantly slagged Leicester off. Steve go and do your normal crying to the mods
  10. Stevebrum is a so called wolves fan, so called as he prefers to be at stoke on a Monday pretending he is a rider rather than supporting his team at monmore so he is full of crap and he likes to stick his nose in to other teams for a reaction. Back on thread I must say it's disappointing there is no news on the lions promotion.
  11. I have seen you at stoke, some of the 70 year old vintage guys on the japs would beat you easily. you are not very confident at putting a wager on your incorrect fact are you.
  12. The thomson twins would lap you and they are the mascots hehe
  13. Has DH said anything lately on the progress of new promotors being announced very soon ?
  14. Is he going to rip it up and start from scratch.
  15. The pen ran out of ink to cross the T and dot the I so they are awaiting delivery of a new pen but with the build up to Christmas it's delaying the delivery of the pen needed so fans will need to wait a little longer.
  16. I am Not sure Rick would take Leicester on unless he is in charge of everything.
  17. Sky Meeting's they may only get one a season like Leicester so they will be able to run at weekends.
  18. I said that Rick Frost was interested in Leicester months ago and it's a possibility as he has business interests in the city but if it is him and he can take full control of everything including the stadium that would be awesome for the future of the club.
  19. So what happened to his promise to help British youngsters with summer training schools ?
  20. I had some great races with him and he was and still is one of the nicest riders I came across and it was a very sad day when he got badly hurt, maybe it would be right to name and shame the manager as it's a great cause for a top man.
  21. You have proven on here that your a cry baby and love playing at pretending to be a speedway rider but that's about it, isn't it a form of bullying calling a person a troll just because they have a different view
  22. Is this not a forum of different opinions ? Your post just shows you as a bully who thinks what you say is always right and others are wrong and should be quiet if they don't agree with you.
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