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Everything posted by robert72

  1. ballroom and neb say the club is Not in a mess, i wish it wasnt but unless you wear special glasses then it sadly is in a mess. If its true then why has the track man gone aswel, I thought DH couldnt praise him enough and talk about how good a track man he is when he joined the staff at leicester,so what happened.
  2. Lets wait and see what happens, never known anyone go through so many staff in one year, so many people unhappy with the way they are treated at leicester, I think boocock is a great addition to the club,not sure how long he will stay.
  3. Leicester speedway is in a big mess off track.
  4. I have sadly seen 2 riders killed and many very badly injured over the years, but what i dont understand is if you have raced and were badly hurt then why dont you see the extra dangers of long straights with bottle neck corners at BP ? I have said the track shape is not right and riders past and present are saying the same thing but you wont have it, yet you say your riding days were cut short by long term injuries, Modd, i totally agree with you, sadly the same people are abusive on here and thats why some fans wont post there fews.
  5. It seems you dont, you had a short carear liontamer, seems you were as bad riding as you are seeing the problems with BP track.
  6. nob, you have shown you know sod all and you keep making yourself look stupid, keep it up mate, its getting amusing now, a number of people are enjoying your silly remarks,not sure if you think your on a cycle speedway forum but this is actually a motor sport forum. you say that mrmiddlesborough has,nt learnt anything in 40 years, i think what he said is correct but please explain what experience you have in the sport, this i cannot wait to read? let me guess you sell pies at speedway and it makes you know all about track conditions and riding lines
  7. How many leicester fans would like nob,tmw,wie-ja running the club it would be closed down by now, You 3 are completely clueless and shows you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the sport. I await to see if there anyone supports your views before i answer your dumb replies,because i find what you lot say so funny.
  8. nob, the track conditions are fairly good, however there is only one line used. what they need is rakers brought back to bring the dirt back to the inside again, the tractor is not always the answer.
  9. you and nob should sell those glasses you wear because BP would be packed solid each week if people saw what you 2 idiots think you see each week, riders,promotors and many,many fans have expressed the SHAPE IS WRONG TO PRODUCE RACING.AND NEEDS CHANGING
  10. I think it is possible, look at how they bind in shale to make cardiff and copenhagon, dont think it would be a hard job with the right tools
  11. isnt it time that DH spoke up about IF changes are going to be made to the track or not before the club lose more fans
  12. Tina, how can you defend both clubs, belle vue have had all winter as have leicester, both tracks needed work, both promotions failed and let the fans down and the riders, ask belle vue fans and ask a large majority of leicester fans and you would get the same answer, racing what racing. I think there would be a few people interested in buying leicester if it was up for sale at the right price, its got a great chance of success with the right person in control and would have massive support if the product was right.
  13. leicester and belle vue are both letting there fans down with tracks not fit for racing.
  14. So are you going to tell us what was said in the reply ?
  15. you can say moaning others will say speaking sense about the glum future of leicester speedway unless changes are made sooner than later.
  16. you clearly state you dont go for the racing so i have no idea why you would want the track changed anyway if that is the case
  17. You dont seem the brightest spark but surely if crowds are droppng as much as they are and many say its because of the lack of racing, what would you do then carry on until it is a few happy tina,s (tmw) left who dont go for the racing and leicester close and lets not forget newport,there support went down and they sadly closed down,glasgow is struggling because there crowds have taken a big dip. Many of us know it should of been done over the winter, but to save leicester speedways future i think it needs sorting now, i and many others want to see leicester do well and see great racing each week but this wont happen because of the current track shape, Leicester has massive potential as its a sporting city but people wont pay and support rubbish each week. How many people would go to a restaurant every week if the food is really crap ? Saying that I bet tmw and neb would still go as they would say its not about the food
  18. its the shape that is the main problem and yes the shale they are using is not bonding in well, i am surprised that all the problems were not sorted during the mild winter months. If i was DH i would close it down for a month and reshape it before i lose anymore hardcore fans and put the club at risk.
  19. Someone mentioned the same question a few weeks ago, I am sure that somebody will give us the answer on here, its a great cause and one i support so i await to see how much was raised.and handed over to the air ambulance by leicester speedway.
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