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Everything posted by robert72

  1. I feel for you and others who have season tickets after watching that tonight, as expected nothing has changed,I think i would rather watch saturday night tv than see that out of the start stuff each week with no chance of see overtaking unless a rider makes a mistake. a 3rd year with a Poor track will have an effect on the future of the club, All because DH wouldnt listen to experts on what was the best way to change the track, he even quickly got it done while glyn was out of the way, this is leicesters track man and manager who also is someone with experience .
  2. As expected total crap racing as it has been for 2 seasons, The 2 or 3 feet cut in has made no difference at all as seen tonight. I await those who thought the meeting had loads of passing and the track was excellent.
  3. I guess nobody on here attended the meeting at 5pm ? as its all quiet
  4. I think there has been several people who have been interested in buying the club but DH asking price was the end of it. As my point about the track, its a new discussion if you had not noticed about the slight changes
  5. nob, I am only saying what alot of fans think, however alot wont post on here because of people like you who do nothing but abuse people for having a valid opinion.
  6. I have a great deal of experience and when you try to explain it as if you take a few inches off a door or make a lift bigger you will get more people in and you compare that to taking a couple of feet off a track then its comedy at its best, you did make me laugh again and showed your lack of experience. When the track was built as a large cycle speedway track it was plain to see that it wouldnt create great racing to those with experience and knowledge of tracks. It really did need alot taking off the bends and the bends being rounded, glyn has a massive job to do if allowed and he needs alot of dirt on the outside but i cant see this making much of a difference, Time will tell over the next month and then people will vote with there feet.
  7. Spot on mick, Love to hear what hurricane,mrcfs,liontamer,neb,long eye all think of your post and hope they will explain what the small barely unnoticable changes will make to the racing. Great post mick DH has tried to fool fans that he has done track changes for the better,when in fact he has just trimmed the kerbs to make it look like he has done track changes as fans wanted, it doesnt take an expert to see what he has done with free help to make no difference to racing other than say the track has been changed.
  8. You hav'nt explained how taking 2 or 3 feet in Will make a difference ? I think you are one of these people who would believe anything DH says and does but dont see the real picture Yes i am off to watch brandonapolis
  9. That is laughable,alot of people think the same as me, it looks a mess outside the stadium, do you Not agree ? Do you honestly think the track has been changed for the better,also do you honestly think going in 2 or 3 feet will make a difference ? if so please explain how it will make a difference as i am sure many would love to hear it, I cant wait to hear your expert views on it. Track done to my wishes or that of hundreds of fans who also want a track fit for racing? I dont see a point of wasting my evening because if you dont know by now its DH track and he does what he wants to do and not what experts or that of fans would like to see to make it better. Also friday there is a good meeting at brandon that is a far better option
  10. You are wrong to assume that i have NOT spoken about this already to DH as have others but what has been done ? please explain I would also like to know why next friday would make any difference ? please explain again Yes the track is a joke, outside the stadium is a dumping ground and an eyesore,but i have Not mentioned about the lack of devolpment or the stadium itself,you have me confused with someone else.
  11. Please remind me what question i need to ask and what good the question would do for leicester speeday ? This post has really made me laugh, you should be on stage,look out lee nelson
  12. Do you seriously think i would want to meet you, you must be more dumb than i made you out to be and for speaking to DH then i can do that anytime and i dont need you to be there to do it.
  13. YAWN, you are really misguided on your silly thoughts and by your wording shows you are not really in a position of being taken seriously. As anti leicester, that is so funny if i was anti leicester do you really think i would care about the track being put right so fans would flock back and support it to keep it alive for years to come. Leicester lost over 1700 fans last season,more will follow if the track is wrong & leicester speedway will be CLOSED,if you think it wont ask newport fans whose crowds dropped quickly and made speedway impossible to run. So tell me who is the real leicester fan then ?
  14. what a silly post because it wasnt last friday,you got that wrong but also if you know DH then you would know its a waste of time making a comment because he only listens to his own advise and only does things his way.
  15. What nonsense are you on about please explain.
  16. Tina i never took you as thick If a rider is allowed to have a private practice, do you honestly think if he is asked what he thinks of the track that he is going to say its crap,however he may like it but bomber is not a gater and i have seen better riders than him fail to overtake up there,so is it is type of race track ?
  17. I am not suggesting he is not telling the truth. I think i have already said what i would do and also what alot of fans would of also done to improve the track, its plain to see its not been working for 2 seasons and taking a few feet off is only a cheap option to keep little minds happy that the track has been changed. Lets all wait and see then
  18. Do you honestly think bomber would of said anything different and ruin his chances of popping up somewhere local to try his bikes out No not completely true, Riders will find the best line and the quickest way around a track in practice, they will also if its a track they are going to be at during the season find different lines and different set ups. Are you related to DH or is it that you simply wont except the tracks is messed up unless they make some major changes, that includes the shale aswel being right. It looks like a gaters track again for another season.
  19. Moving it Only 3ft in and having it pointed on the first turn wasnt the answer to improving the track, its clear to see it made no difference at all, If you saw all the riders today at different levels in there riding ability,they all used one line coming into the bend because that was the only line into the corner, It needed to be taken alot further back by at least 5-6 metres from the apex and the bend rounded to make a difference but apparently this has also been expressed by a number of people with years of experience but it seems DH wont listen to anyone but himself, this could sadly be the downfall of leicester speedway as the public won't support another year like the past 2 seasons. I think its make or break for leicester speedway this season, it was abit late in the day for changes,like someone mentioned today, DH had no choice but to make it look like he has made changes, he went 3 or 4 feet in and that was it, so do you really think that will make a difference ? No not seen a race but i have seen alot of riders using one line into the corner,still not sure where other riders are going to go as if they go wide they will need to find some mega grip and power but will still struggle to pass the rider on the line unless he under powers or makes a mistake, i hope i and alot of others are wrong because i would love to see great racing each week.
  20. I forgot more than you will ever know you silly little boy
  21. I saw it with ONE rider and was trying to find another line that a rider could use to overtake but found it hard to find one but i guess you could see different lines, you and DH are the only ones who could up there today,that is IF you went up there. So tell me why DH didnt use expert knowledge,it seems his way or no way by what people are saying. Love to know about these invisable lines you saw that will produce better racing because i spoke with a few experts who also think the tracks worse now but what do i know or those i spoke with today.
  22. Took a trip up to the jordan stadium today. Alot of building work going on behind the stands,maybe should of started it last november and it would of been done by now and be ready. I know mick didnt want to comment on the New shape track but i feel it needs to be said its a joke, the sooner DH listens to experts the better as what he has done (moving kerbs in 3ft) has not improved it one bit if anything it looks worse on the first bend, its pointed now and i cannot see where another line will appear and the same on the other bend. DH has had a number of experts around since leicester opened but not taken there advice, he even decided to do the changes before glyn returned. I feel for those who have bought a season ticket, I can pick if i want to go up there.
  23. LOL the promotion have robbed the paying public for 2 years with a substandard track. Dont you think that if the merchandise was affordable to everyone who walked through the gates then they would sell alot more and give the club better publicity throughout the city ? its what you call good marketing.
  24. I bet glyn is'nt happy then and that's maybe why he didnt want to comment.
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