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Everything posted by ch958

  1. you're right but they don't seem to go to the bloody speedway!!
  2. I hope they've taken his belt and shoelaces off him - he must be gutted at the moment he certainly didn't predict it!!
  3. if you think these are the real issues you're sadly mistaken Terry and Ronnie russell, squabbles?? Your average punter who turns up and watches don't even know who these people are They pay their money, watch, realise its not worth the money and don't go back it need not mean dilution - as has been stated on here before - 4 riders of reasonably equal ability is all you need in any race
  4. thats true but Shaleshaker's argument doesn't bear scrutiny because many NL teams are small (Buxton) or 2nd teams (Coventry)
  5. if theres no money in the club why dont they put it up for sale i wish they would - customer relations is absolute zero
  6. Sorry alanf and greyhoundp i meant the riders not the fans my experience is that travelling fans are a fraction what they were and i never even thought about them so low are their numbers usually i stand by my opinion about the message regional leagues sends of 'non national', therefore not premium, competition obviously local derbies will attract a few more fans
  7. I know posters mean well but really forget regionalisation - it would just make the sport look crappy the general public would equate it with the Conference North or something and assume its local team wasn't good enough to be in a national league besides travel within this country isn't really the problem
  8. yes Greyhound i got dogs abuse for saying something similar people will just not face facts but the truth is even PL is expensive to run 700 spectators is semi pro sport - therefore pay has to be tailored accordingly and don't give me shortage of riders if foreigners don't come - that'll never ever happen. In 68 and 69 about 15 new teams were staffed for the new BL2 with no problem at all lets prune back the whole goddam thing and try and grow it again
  9. everybody wants it to happen but some people just want to say 'told you so' if something goes wrong. Bit pathetic really
  10. well you make some suggestions then thats because, where the sport is concerned, there is woe not at Poole, obviously, but you can't ace against yourselves every week
  11. the Speedway Handbook i had as a kid showed Leicester Lions using the same 1 to 7 in all but 1 match and other teams showed much fewer changes than is currently the case. This was 67 or 68 why is this? is it riders riding in multiple competitions or just the win at all costs mentality or something else altogether
  12. they still have Euro football next year - its the year after when they'll need extra action from somewhere but you are correct it gives more hope
  13. I doubt TWK would disagree - i think he's maybe misunderstood you he and i generally sing from a similar hymnsheet
  14. "So how do expect EL standard riders to be employed in future then? If they can't ride in other leagues or are unwilling to drop to PL wages, where do you expect them to go?" Humphrey, why the hell should we care? They work for the going rate or do something else
  15. To be fair TWK I think you have slightly misunderstood. The collateral damage referred to i think is the riders from abroad we can not afford - i think i'm right in saying that I agree strongly the PL is not broken and should be the benchmark for any amalgamation - however i can't see Poole, etc agreeing to that
  16. there's some great ideas on here but the elephant in the room has to be dealt with: what can be done about the star riders Britain's leagues can not afford.
  17. i dont know why dont you discuss it in Newcastle 2014 thread????
  18. Hull must be a prime site - its a sports town - the council must be sympathetic and theres loads of less than prime land to the east of the city to build a Scunny/Redcar type facility if Mr Mauger wishes to take things forward I'm sure BSF members would petition the council.
  19. the amount of bitching on this thread suggests a bright future in the Elite League
  20. i think the original poster's idea isn't a good one with all due respect but i would encourage any blue sky thinking - I've read 2 such things on here in the last 3/4 months. 1) was Steve Shovlar's idea of online matches to purchase and 2) was from that Peterboro nutjob who suggested a super six competition with no points limit to run on nights when theres no gp or world cup or whatever i say keep em coming even though most are non starters.
  21. if they weren't there people would talk about someone else. The game existed before them and will survive without them posting glitch above due to yet another change to yet another website that nobody asked for
  22. i agree totally with this comment mr a however will promoters have the guts and unity to say no to riders demands to fit this budget
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