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Everything posted by ch958

  1. the site sometimes makes you cynical - i know it does me for example some may feel that Hammers66 is a made up profile for one of the regulars to provoke some discussion - like the double point rule, etc as i say the site makes you cynical - plus its happened before
  2. top post outside of GP costs need slashing drastically - 90pc of fans dont care about machinery unlike F1 or superbikes or whatever - get the bikes back to basics sorry but the leagues have to do without world stars - there just isnt the interest to generate crowds any more and who says its a full time job? people will say even fewer people will then attend but i'll tell you what - Eastbourne, Cradley and Birmingham aren't threatening to close any more
  3. they are usually quite entertaining but this one's boring!
  4. I can see something on the horizon miles away - just get my binoculars - oh yes its the original topic
  5. What about the Bears you know what they do in the woods
  6. i see reports of yet another CVS assett being loaned elsewhere (Thorsell to Peterborogh). How about helping the club where you have a 51 pc interest
  7. the way the stadium is now the only thing to do is pull the inside line in?
  8. you make some great points - i don't know if you're old enough to remember rider control. That wouldn't go down too well. The idea of seeing top stars irregularly - in tests or open meeting is a good one. And when i say top stars i mean the ones we dont see weekly in the EL
  9. the argument of course is that the EL can not give them a living they could always get a job - EL is only once or twice a week
  10. People worry that British riders make slow progress or are shunned by clubs in favour of imports. If the PL was not as strong as it currently is it would be easier to progress from NL to PL and there may be more opportunities for young British riders. As a side issue it would be less costly too. There seems to be a roster of names who seem unable to break through to PL level after a few years of trying because the jump is too great at the moment. A further benefit may be that the likes of Danny King, Craig Cook, etc could commit to top level racing both here and elsewhere which may aid their development. The cost benefit of a weaker PL may also assist NL clubs considering joing the PL - it still seems odd to me that, for example, Stoke and Mildenhall are not part of the PL.
  11. because the leap from 3rd Division to PL is too big because PL is a little too strong
  12. you are quite right the atmosphere wouldnt be fantastic - i was just trying to suggest ways extra income could be generated since they are probably paying rent for several days when nothing is happening the 5/8 or 10 thousand could maybe be concentrated in one area like Wolverhampton - the current British Final venue with one stand only and 3/4 of the stadium area deserted who knows - if 2 or even 3 meetings were offered as a package deal the crowd could be bigger than you think just an idea
  13. the British Final may well be small fry in comparison to the GP but i'll bet they could get 5/8,000 at such a prestige venue. Or how about this: British final Weds Prem League riders champ Thursday Open day, meet the riders, exhibitions, markets Friday, Gp Saturday Presumably we have to pay rent for the place as soon as the track builders move in - might as well try and maximise income
  14. there seems to be some kind of gentlemans agreement about leaving racing room shouldn't there be hard and fast rules when someone is along side about the course you are allowed to take
  15. this has happened so many times in the history of this sport - usually without the glare of cameras and social media. There will be fines, perhaps a short ban, a warning and then we all move on. Its all part of life's rich pageant - some people on here need to just calm down. Had it been on Sky they would be showing it over and over you can be sure of that. In every era of the sport there have been people like Nicky - he's no worse or better tbh. its an unfortunate turn of phrase - badly chosen thats for sure. I'm sure he meant no disrespect
  16. there are very few dramas that feature sport as a backdrop where they get the sport bit right
  17. Barker has reached a level - Lambert may go beyond it
  18. well to be fair he has no real evidence that there will be a lot fewer teams next season - little bit of tabloid style scaremongering - there's always 2 or 3 scares though. Berwick will be open of that i have no doubt.
  19. whats that then i usually lleave the car at Wallyford when i get the train into Edinburgh was it a dog track
  20. nail hit firmly on the head costs of machinery and travel are ludicrous the answer? keep sticking a quid on admission the result? people stop going
  21. I am sue Orion is as passionate a supporter as you and i are or at least were what i found wearing was the poo-poohing of nearly all posts without a constructive alternative suggestion
  22. you can have the last word - whenever you're ready good night
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