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Everything posted by ch958

  1. you are correct it did fail and thats because the top tier teams held the whip hand and most div 2 teams were f*ckd over this time it would be PL way or shut down
  2. i could be wrong but i belive the sport was very strong between 1965 - 68 after amalgamation (no top div as such - one level) this led to a revival that lasted for years with BL Div 2 and a host of British boys coming through if we levelled the remaining clubs in a single league (or divided in 2) there would be many opportunities to develop young British riders and operate an affordable league EDIT: of course - i mean 2 leagues with NL continuing more or less as is
  3. same points money yes but fewer travel expense ppayments, guarantees, etc just an idea and no i don't suppose they would charge less at the gate but it could be argued that all you would be losing is an NL standard race or 2
  4. quite right - riders should progress NL - PL - EL not be chucked into an EL meeting if EL want to save money go to 5 man teams (like Denmark I believe) only with a PL stand by reserve
  5. Can i just clarify has the rider actually been released - i can't see any report
  6. is that true? i'm not sure i understand how it would save money - am i being dull?
  7. it would be useful to have a simpler more robust rule book but the win at all costs attitude means that people hunt for loopholes. This attitude wasn't always there - it used to be a night at the speedway now its 'how many can we hammer the opposition by'. Also the readiness to discard loyal riders at the drop of a hat is counter productive - my favourites over the years were not always the best riders. I agree that is an old fashioned view but true nontheless
  8. He wouldn't have to drop down if the PL wasn't full of riders who should be EL
  9. genuinely there seems to have been no research on tyre/track interface which could make traction and therefore racing better - in fact the only advance appears to be in making the bikes faster and more expensive thats not what fans want -
  10. this is none of my business really but i have to say it. You make good points, have a clear view of certain issues and i very often agree with you but i have to be honest and say we'd all be much happier, prob including you too, if we changed our style slightly to be less confrontational. I have to be honest and say to you that if i was a mod i would strongly warn you to change your approach. Like i say - usually worth listening to but there's a way of disagreeing that doesn't end in a row. At the moment every thread you're involved seems to end this way. Make your points, lose the insults
  11. Bloody hell you're alive!!
  12. "I think you may have missed something" "I think what the post was trying to say" "i understand what you are saying but in my opinion you are wrong because...." its easy really to make a point without abuse but some people either don't have the skill or enjoy being abusive. A whole new range of skills is needed for short messaging, texting, emailing, etc in order to be clear and polite. I'm sorry we've lost a couple of members who, i feel, were bullied off the forum. Perhaps its time to reboot the group and start again with a clean slate.
  13. well so am i cos i agree with him - race suits much too busy - a simple body colour much better however - hardly worth arguing about really - just an opinion and wont make a ha'porth of difference to things
  14. how many under 30s give a fig about the national anthem? How many know all the words? I am patriotic myself but have no desire for God (who many believe doesn't exist) to save a queen who i belive has no right to be the head of the nation how did we feel when New Zealanders were riding for GB in the past? How did the kiwis feel? How loyal yo NZ were Briggs and Mauger? Frankly the whole nationalism thing is a load of balls - he's made a business decision like any sane person would. The British Final takes place in front of 2/3000 people in a one sided dog track - its a real big deal isn't it
  15. this is a good post - he must have known what furore there would be - surely he could leave the bikes, etc to his staff and just turn up and ride just to avoid all the crap thats coming his way. I am genuinely puzzled how he could be so daft.
  16. getting the costs under control is a bigger problem than losing the odd rider ANY decent business person will tell you that cost control is the most important aspect of being solvent and profitable
  17. you dont like a joke much do you btw well done on the completely wrong use of the phrase which inexplicably appears in brackets
  18. its a bears thread y know - worky and peterboro have your own
  19. i firmly beleive they are being held back and i do hope if Brexit happens (which i dont beleive it will) GB riders will benefit
  20. i was thinking more about how it might affect speedway - i think your general assertions are prob fairly accurate as blocktread says - lots of work permits needed and i suspect they will be much harder to obtain in future
  21. it would be interesting to see the line ups of british teams at both EL and PL levels should GB leave Europe. I should imagine there would be a great deal employment of protection afforded to British riders and therefore far fewer non GB riders in our leagues,especially in the PL I would suggest
  22. re Tai: at international level there is absolutely no evidence for this ridiculous statement I'd be more annoyed that Nicholls has say back and watched us struggle but i do think youngsters is a good shout
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