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Everything posted by ch958

  1. So agreement couldn't be reached by Friday and your answer would be what? Pull the plug? Or continue to try and find a reolution? And he's the muppet?
  2. i've never agreed with your view to remove all tactical rides TWK but that is a good point - home wins are generally good for business however you're wasting your breath about play offs - far too lucrative to give up now - I'd prefer league champions and play offs winners given another title
  3. well ive never heard the bloke speak before and i thought what he said was fine. The sport is organising itself as best it can and when it demonstrates consistency as i believe it will a big sponsor will follow. You aren't going to get revolution but seems to me to be moving in the right direction generally. Lets be frank he's had some crap to deal with
  4. cheers for the updates boys - just shows that things are on the up - good luck to Mr K i hope he gets the crowds back
  5. anything of note? theres nothing on the forum or fb page
  6. where is the promised news today?
  7. just giving my opinion, had a crazy notion thats what the group was for
  8. because long term a mechanical solution to costs was needed - if not junior leagues and air fences wont be needed
  9. someone would always cheat - nice idea but points limits are the only way - unfortunately that 'weakens' teams - i don't see that as a problem personally but some do
  10. yes but if RL, speedway and stock cars used it thats less than 60 k a year - bit more reasonable especially if it was used for World cup, GP challenge or dare i say GP
  11. I'm not sure about what's twisted about worrying about the spread of Islam in a Christian country. Its this attitude which has led to the popularity of rather extreme political parties and movements - all because the main parties have not addressed concerns people reasonably hold and, if i may say so, the hysterical reaction to any view contrary to their own. Anyway - Odsal's great and wouldn't be here without it - my Ma and Pa met there!
  12. i think the Spanish would go crazy for speedway if it was presented to them properly
  13. this really spoiled to beginning of meetings for me - who the hell insisted on it and can they be disobeyed. Common sense ffs
  14. i argued this about 2 yrs ago on here - i got crucified in the main but this really is the case and a way has to be found to make that happen - semi pro and mainly uk riders is probably the way.
  15. young sports fans will put up with a fair bit but not being embarrassed - the things HA refers to above. Its a sport which is a branch of entertainment of course but theres no need to turn it into a circus Really really have to lose the its a knock out jokers and double points, even DU would work if it was designed properly - a word the younger element give great store to: credibility
  16. your posts carry more weight than most because a) you've actually raced to a reasonable standard and you clearly think things through before posting that smiley thing is supposed to say b but now it won't go away
  17. its common on all groups - the newspaper ones are the same - its just the lack of common courtesy that anonymity seems to allow online. It wouldn't happen face to face. Plus you lose all kind of nuances like facial expression, tone of voice, etc - often postings and emails are much harsher because of this, Humour and sarcasm are very difficult to pll off in writing and that causes problems sometimes. Also it gets a bit choppy here because of the parlous state of the sport. Also some people are just tw*ts
  18. take a friend some have suggested. I did - loads of times - and spent the evening apologising or assuring them that it might get better. The sport can survive but it needs a hand on the tiller - not 30 hands. The sport is only as strong as its weakest clubs. For every Pooleand Kings Lynn, there needs to be a Buxton and Plymouth.
  19. don't know Kevin Keay but he seems a very hands on 'get things done' kind of guy. I believe he also played rugby to a decent standard so Barker won't phase him!
  20. TMC - best post I've read on here. Completely correct in every way. Put your tin hat on though.
  21. i think its fine - it may be that to reduce costs all round the SS could be produced more like a newspaper than a magazine. Wouldn't bother me to lose the gloss. Also heed should be paid to the success of retro - maybe more retro articles?
  22. i was going to message you and ask if you'd seen them - i have recently just bought 5/6 back issues and it is fantastic = chances are i will buy them unless someone close takes the hint and asks santa. Its both a great read and a slightly sad one as GB speedway slips down the pecking order. Personally i think the closing of the gap between the top 2 divs will be a good thing but oh that 6 point idiocy!!
  23. this is a particularly uncomfortable subject for me right now! Be alright in a few days
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