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Everything posted by ch958

  1. which is why, and i've said this before so apologies, you offer free entry for a match or 2 in return for registering via email. You then have a database of potential and existing customers, even though it was free they showed an interest, and then you can market to them.
  2. if we are moving towards the sport becoming a limited company perhaps at some point they could purchase the facility with a business loan.
  3. in that case every big meeting should go there. A National Stadium should be holding a GP at least, though i realise the crowd would be a fraction of Cardiff it would be bigger than some other GPs. The quality would be 1st class of course.
  4. i wouldn't describe myself thusly. Obviously they need props that reflect the times and i merely reflected. Sorry to spoil your day
  5. this really isn't a cause for celebration: it merely underlines that the sport is seen as an historical activity.
  6. I'd be quite happy if they charged a small subscription fee tbh
  7. ch958


    The Mail was inferior. If it wasn't it would still be here
  8. league racing failed in the places u mention because of distance and/or lack of riders. There's nothing wrong with league racing if teams have a strong local identity. Individual meetings have become unpopular in this country.Thats not the answer I'm afraid
  9. part time yes, amateur no. When i started watching in 1968 riders had jobs (2nd div) and rode in front of bigger crowds on cheaper bikes we need to get back there
  10. doesn't have to be completely amateur but just don't pay what you can't afford. Its that simple really
  11. it is a point though, badly made in this case; what will happen without freedom of movement - will any work permits be issued while UK riders (workers) are unsigned?
  12. i used to use a Middlesbro FC site and one member in Kent went to his wife's workplace and slaughtered her with a knife. You just don't know. Just for the record i have 6 points on my licence but that's it.
  13. Dean Felton? Tell us what you think
  14. yes it would have been better to say that but it would be better still if the site wasn't full of smartarses deliberately misconstruing your meaning. I was trying to assuage worries - now i hope they finish bottom
  15. FFS do we have to be so literal - you're fully aware of the point I'm making. OK here goes - most teams - especially the weaker ones make a change or 2 so don't flap. OK?
  16. people complaining about the team should just reflect that the chances of ending the season with the same 7 you start with are nil. No one ever does
  17. is there a point to this thread? If so, I've missed it
  18. there's 4 positions up for grabs in a race! 3rd place instead of 4th might be the point that wins the match. Its a team game
  19. well i couldn't disagree with you more. GPs do provide good entertainment so they say, i can't get interested in them. Just opinions i know.
  20. i get sick of this 'watering down' comment from all and sundry on here. The 'product' is the racing, not names. Well matched teams on a good racing surface is the 'product'.
  21. it seems to me that both of those aims have been met and i think that's fine. There is now clear divide between the leagues and NL riders are moving up. Don't see the problem
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