its the old story isn't it Dave, how many can we name whose star shone brightly but briefly. I wish him well not least because the Bears are inconsistent as hell
I have often wondered if this had been considered.
Yes, as soon as I saw someones kitchen window right next to the pits I knew the Robins were knackered
there are two types of fan - speedway fans and fans of a particular team only. I don't get the second lot - when Middlesbrough closed I watched Newcastle. Didn't particularly support them but it was racing.
in the days when there wasn't a blind panic to win at all costs and fans could appreciate even low scoring riders. I believe Lions had the same 1-7 for all but one of their fixtures that season
why does he care if its viable or not so long as the rent's paid. Besides it was viable for donkeys years wasn't it?
If it was to re open the complaints about noise, parking, etc would pour in and that would be that
actually, numpties like this often get promotions in real life - HR seem to love bullhitters, seen it sooo many times. Of course they're bullhitters too in the main.