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Everything posted by ch958

  1. having only seen racing at Cleveland Park as a kid, watching at the Shay and BV was like watching a different sport and i have to say i didn't like it at first, it seemed like twist and go where CP was a technical track and needed a bit more control. If you only have linited space you can only have a small track. When i first went to Redcar I couldn't believe how small it was but the racings fine. Maybe someone should do a study on passing on small v large tracks
  2. some good ideas, not new. Promotion and relegation won't happen, it's been tried before. As for du/dd teams could be paired so that div 1 teams call riders from 2 div 2 teams. No guests, use r/r or a div 2 rider from yr partner team. There's enough riders of div 1 second heat leader standard in div 2. Then at least we won't have the grotesque spectacle of Ipswich riders helping Wolves, etc, they'd just come from their partner teams in Div 2
  3. if the Championship was a proper 2nd division and not a slightly diluted 1st div Mildy and IOW could join
  4. wonder if Nigel Coddington's up for a comeback?
  5. yeah, you'd think and yet they are les mots juste
  6. everyone knows it was racism and xenophobia
  7. oh give over, we need riders and thats what they are. Its 4 blokes going round in circles, cut the whingeing everyone when D2 started in 1968 the teams had loads of 'no hopers', blokes who'd struggled to get in pl teams and they did ok, 2nd strings, reserves - needed as much as heat leaders. I'm loth to mention names but 55yrs plus folks will know the sort of blokes i mean.
  8. Kings lynn town are in the national league, one below the football league. Its still only 8/10 to go to the flix or pizza at a restaurant. 20 is far too much - 15 max
  9. whoever makes up the team, there will still be a winner and the kudos that goes with it. I only ever watched 2nd div speedway, i don't feel short changed. The best race i ever saw involved Dave Durham and Dave Baugh as we beat Bradford 40-38 with a last heat, last lap decider
  10. i read it somewhere so someone else must have read the same thing
  11. and they weren't necesarily top riders. At Boro we loved to hate Millen the Villain - hardly world championship material. You just have to make something out of what you have
  12. there's not a right lot we can do about that now is there - the names are following the ££. What's the answer?
  13. far too much negativity - things aren't perfect but: there are a canny few kids coming through, there's a decent deal with Eurosport (compared to the sht on there speedway will be the star attraction), we're losing tracks but there are plans at Worky and Southampton, possibly Bradford. To use a gardening analogy, it just needs pruning back and it'll grow again. Lets start by making the bikes/ admission cheaper. I was at the second ever meeting at Somerset and the home team had a rider nicknamed the undertaker and had a top hat on his helmet, bit of fun and memorable, that sort of thing gets kids asking 'can we go next week?'
  14. as i have said before - the product is the racing, not the names. The general public don't know who the hell anyone is anyway so whats the problem
  15. and then our guilty secret would be out. "Wait a minute - wasn't he riding for Belle Vue last week?"
  16. riders get signed, score badly, get dumped. Where's the contract then?
  17. the only time the sport has ever grown or expanded is from the bottom and it can happen again
  18. its low because there's nowhere for them to go!! The championship is full of div 1 riders that it can not afford
  19. and there's your problem in a nutshell, no vision of the big picture just self interest
  20. an easy statement to make but we don't control the riders - they're not contracted like footballers, they're self employed and will go where the money is, IE Poland. And yes, Brexit is another reason - we won't be flying in foreigners at the drop of a hat, we won't be able to. So teams will be weakened, like it or not and the sport needs to reset the 3 divisions to accomodate this ensuring teams are well matched.
  21. wait til diluted teams turn up at Glasgow and 250 fans turn up. They need to get real.
  22. because no one had the foresight to see what effect Brexit work restrictions would have, even though its been coming for 4 years and no one knew that Poland would start being sh@thouses. And I think you'll find it'll be more than 2/3 teams eventually. But I'm alright Jack.
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