apropos of nothing I was just reading this morning that Kings Lynn FC charge £26 admission. Saddlebow Road is a relative bargain! However they will play in the rain
they'd have 2ce as many meetings obviously so it should even out, plus more rides per meeting if i understand the Danish format correctly. I think this is the way to go.
maybe, just maybe, one day the penny will drop. Funny how Glasgow are the rich guys now when for years they clung to life. All tracks need each other and all will have their ups and downs, even Poole went ** up once. Needs to be pitched at the poorest track or the whole thing will collapse. Tim Swales said that donkeys years ago
nobody earns anything til at least 16 so if you want them you have to entice them. But do you know what you have to do more than anything? Don't make them embarrassed to be there or say they were there because its perceived to be naff or uncool
Basically, if you're good enough, ride in another league and top up your money, otherwise ride here in 1 league for 1 team and work part time.
Get paid what the track can afford and cap what Poole/Glasgow/whoever chuck at it to even things up.
first things first - get the costs under control. ANY business will fail unless they do this. If the crowds are 5/600 that's what you have to budget for. Easy to say I know but vital