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ch958 last won the day on March 19

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  1. I've just been awarded something or other, I never win anything so that's great!
  2. there was an almighty row on here when I said that 2/3 years ago. My basic argument was the price of admission has to be at market level, in competition with cinema, non league football, etc and not the other way around. If you can get a product (an evenings entertainment) at 10/12 pds, why wd you pay 20/22 unless you are a die hard. It would, of course mean a drastic cut in costs, my first suggestion wd be machinery. Back to basics for the British leagues
  3. works in other places. One league is a no brainer (2 if you include NL)
  4. we daren't, there's a talent drain to Poland and there's f all we can do about it
  5. I agree, narrow win for Poole as they go onwards to a trophy no one cares about.
  6. there would be, or should be, an option for the stadium to have a smaller footprint and for a very limited number of properties, it's a big old site. Doesn't have to be houses, could be all weather sports pitches for example thus maintaining a leisure theme.
  7. haven't bought it for years but I would subscribe to a proper digital copy.
  8. Sept 1972, Teesside v Bradford. 40 - 38, Dave Durham beat Dave Baugh on the last corner of the last lap in the last heat. Never forgotten it!! DD was the master at diving under people at Cleveland Park
  9. absolutely disgraceful. Didn't we have an MP's group in parliament?
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