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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. HAVE actually suggested that to them ... Natalie agreed but nothing so far
  2. HOPE you are right but for the sake of British fans having all speedway on one platform is a huge plus.
  3. BEEN called many things in my life but not sure media peer is one of them. Thanks ... I think.
  4. OBVIOUSLY you can rule Sky out but BT are very happy with viewing figures (much improved for SGP now that both domestic and international speedway are on the same stage) and speedway fits nicely into their motorsport portfolio. The big issue is whether the members of the BSPA will accept British speedway being shown on TV without BT (or anyone else) throwing money at it. There are some (no surprise) who feel that speedway on TV is a bad thing without a fee, ignoring the fact that it provides much needed exposure and is vital for many sponsors.
  5. FROM their commentary position (was there last year) KT and NP can barely see gate 4. I know BSI are thinking of putting cameras on the riders' bikes but didn't think it included the cameraman
  6. WATCH just about every meeting on TV and would probably go to BV if I lived nearby Unfortunately, in Surrey, we are devoid of any local track let alone one that consistently serves up entertainment. So, yes, I am still interested in the sport and via Speedway Star have a vested interest in it. In response to waytogo28, I would be very surprised if Doyle was receiving the sort of money he intimated.
  7. WHICH is essentially where the Sky money went and why tracks who have previously received that money will have to rewrite their budgets for 2018.
  8. WAS taught light years ago that there is no such word as alright. It should be all right although it does seem to be accepted now. Learnt was also a no no. Had to be learned.
  9. NOT sure you can say Scott Nicholls only rides for one club. How many guest bookings has he had. And, of late, he has doubled up with Peterborough. Incidentally, not aware of the full details but I'm told he was prevented from riding for Peterborough at Workington on Saturday (averages) but allowed to race for the Panthers the following afternoon. FOR most riders it is a profession.
  10. BUT for them it is a weekend hobby not a profession.. Make speedway a weekend sport and your argument would be more valid. I DID make that point. They cannot have what isn't there. But seems that many of this forum have little or no sympathy for riders in general and think that they are bleeding the sport dry. That isn't the case. FOR the record, everyone who contributes to Speedway Star, writers and photographers, gets paid. We get nothing for nothing and don't expect to.
  11. WE are not talking about the very top echelon here, but for the bread and butter guys speedway only pays the bills for about seven months a year.
  12. SORRY but I cannot agree with most of that. As far as I am concerned all riders are vastly underpaid although that doesn't mean they can expect what isn't there. However, considering that most have to fund their own equipment and transport, face increasing insurance, know that every time they go to the tapes it could result in serious or even life-threatening injuries or worse and more often than not for a relative pittance earns my admiration. Without them there wouldn't be speedway and as we see now, fewer and fewer youngsters are coming through the ranks in places like Denmark and Sweden because a career in speedway simply isn't that attractive. Your comments about brain surgeons is particularly insulting. I know of one young rider who can earn between £800 and £1000 a week as a plumber. He knows he will never be a World Champion but he loves speedway and tries desperately to combine the two. But it isn't easy and if he had to make a choice on purely financial reasons he would quit. One down and many more in a similar position.
  13. LAMBERT also said that he will only ride for one team in the UK OUT of the gate quicker than me
  14. IT would be nice to think they will not be needed but not holding my breath. Thanks for your comments.
  15. SMOLINSKI wants to ride in GB again next year but only if there is fixed race nights. And he's not even an Aussie, the cheek of it
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