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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. CANNOT believe people are criticising Tai after that performance
  2. If only it was that easy. Big ask for Lambert to stop Emil.
  3. BECAUSE either way Lambert had to pass Sayfutdinov
  4. YES and no. It is what happens on the track and this is down to Tai.
  5. CAN a ny one deny that two riders from the same country in a race takes the biscuit. No matter what the competition is called, this is a team event in every sense
  6. I WAS in Manchester and can assure you that the stadium wasn't three quarters full. Only one major market these days. Poland have riders in depth, large crowds, many super stadiums, etc, etc.
  7. SHE is very pleasant but knows nothing about speedway... draw your own conclusion
  8. INTERVIEWER Kirri obviously hasn't grasped what team riding is all about. Certainly not Doyle's version.
  9. SOMETHING like that... two riders from the same country in a race, that would be key for me.
  10. I THINK you mean the home organisers. There were stories coming out of Wroclaw that it was a sell-out. Quite clearly not the case unless thousands have decided not to bother after last night's result.
  11. LIKE the idea of two riders from each country in a race. Maybe three man squads, no under 21 requirement.. Would favour the team with the most points winning but understand why that isn't an easy sell for some and TV. If we could guarantee a last heat decider like last night there wouldn't be the conversation. One day not two. Have actually fired this off to Armando Castagna.
  12. BUT fantastic racing. Hopefully we will end up with a hybrid version of the SWC and SON
  13. IF you thought last night's meeting was crap then there is no hope
  14. BECAUSE there was strength all round ... speedway outside of Poland is in crisis
  15. ON a blistering hot afternoon. Got sun burned sitting in the uncovered press box!
  16. ANY knowledgeable speedway follower would have known that Woffinden is the only double World Champion in the field, quite likely the best rider there, capable on his home Polish track of getting an 18-point maximum (he did) and that with a little support (which he got) GB would be in with a chance. Bit over-the-top to say that when he traps Cook is as good as it gets. I really would like to see Craig flourish at this level but at BV and Wroclaw and in two SGPs even when he gates he gets passed.
  17. THE same one that left Lambert out of a race which might, come Heat 21 this evening, prove critical. It is the riders who do the business, 100 per cent credit to Tai and Robert.
  18. ALL valid points and as the owner of a weekly speedway magazine I would love to see speedway get the support in the UK that it does in :Poland. Regarding BSI, of courser they need to make money, a profit as well as covering their considerable overheads: fees to the FIM, providing TV coverage, all the infrastructure and staff required not just at the weekends but throughout the year. Swedish and Danish tracks, especially, are experiencing a downturn because both countries lack a real superstar performer along the lines of Tony Rickardsson or Nicki Pedersen (at his best) to attract media coverage. There were no Danish or Swedish journalists in Wroclaw. There was a lull for Poland when Tomasz Gollob went off the boil and before the new group of Polish kids came to the fore. The attendance for the last SGP in Bydgoszcz, once an automatic sell-out, proves the point.
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