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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. IT was a team decision. They knew they had the worst gate (4) and MJJ actually volunteered. The Danes gambled that they would be more than three points ahead of the Poles by then. Perhaps either Nicki or Niels should have put their hands up for the last heat but they had their strategy and it didn't work, especially with Hampel out in the last one. THE TV companies like the whole Joker deal ... FACT. Just as Sky like the double-points tac.
  2. IF the promoters (BSI) help the British boys then shouldn't they do the same with other nations. Sweden don't exactly have a rich well of young talent to call upon either.
  3. PROBABLY because no one has asked. He doesn't want to be GB team manager but I know he would help with 'coaching' if asked and if riders were prepared to listen. Many British boys think they know it all as soon as they slide a bike. Incidentally, perhaps you should actually take a look at Kelvin's record but that doesn't tell the whole story anyway. He is a very keen student of speedway (amongst many motorsports and cycling), the techniques of riding, the mechanical side, and has the ability to impart that knowledge. But sadly in Britain the promoters don't really see the value of a successful GB team. One told me "why should I invest in the future when I probably won't be running a track next year."
  4. FOR starters Tatum would sit down with Lewis Bridger and tell him why even when he makes the jump from the tapes he still doesn't get to the first corner, why he should look at Nicki Pedersen and Greg Hancock and understand why they consistently make such tremendous starts. Kelvin was probably one of the most natural starters I have seen in 50 years but he still took on board advice from the likes of Barry Briggs and Malcolm Simmons. He knows how to ride a speedway bike. Young cricketers in the England team are still coached and taught the arts of batting or bowling. What do speedway riders get. With respect, messrs Middleditch and Morris don't have that knowledge. I have just had lunch with Kelvin here in Prague and was fascinated by his insight into the likes of Barker (a trier, will never be international grade but why are his bikes so slow), Bridger (technique all wrong). What is worrying is that while there does appear to be one or two youngsters coming through, who is going to teach them right from wrong? As Ivan Mauger said years ago: all they do is perfect their bad habits. They did proper schooling, as Erik Gundersen does in Denmark, and Billy Hamill does in the USA. I watched Greg Hancock at both KL and Prague, not just patting his team-mates on the bum as they went out to the track, but talking to them about how to do this and that.
  5. I DIDN'T suggest the Czechs wouldn't finish last but they could be spoilers in a few races and upset the applecart for either the Danes or the Poles
  6. ONE or two of the Czech riders are quite capable of popping out of the start and winning races - remember Franc beating three World Champions a couple of years ago - and that could be at critical times for their opponents.
  7. NOT true ... KL and Prague are joint promotions with BSI and the tracks involved.
  8. THINK this deserves a topic on its own ... what a fantastic performance by Greg Hancock at both King's Lynn and particularly Prague in the SWC. Young riders need an inspirational hero and who better than Greg. A classy rider and a classy person.
  9. I DON'T know whether any of you have read Gary Neville's comments on the current paucity of World class English soccer players and the lack of opportunity for many up-and-coming youngsters in the game right now. Scale it down and he could just as easily be talking about British speedway.
  10. THE difference between Emil and the Laguta brothers as against Scott Nicholls is that Scott was never chosen and named in the GB team whereas Emil, Grigorii and Artem were selected and in the Russian team provided to the FIM. The only way they could 'legitimately' withdraw without consequences was to have a medical certificate stating that they were unfit to compete. Pandorum ... you need to read what I actually wrote. Emil did not have to fabricate a medical certificate but, had he not broken his foot, I have no doubt that he would gone down the same route as his Russian colleagues. There is no bigger fan of Emil than I, he is an absolute pleasure to watch and work with, but the FIM need to step in and sort out the situation regarding the Russian federation and their riders. The Czestochowa promoter says that he lost at least 5,000 fans when Emil dropped out of the opening SWC round and a few thousand more when Grigorii and Artem followed suit. He said that the Russians would have got bigger support there than the Poles. Then, of course, Tomasz Gollob also pulled out with a 'bad back.' Finally, uk martin, I think the 500 euros a point plus prize money you quote for the European Championship is way off beam.
  11. TO keep the record straight ... BSI informed the BSPA in November that the winner of the British Final would not automatically get the wild card pick for Cardiff but the decision to give it to Chris Harris was not determined until very near the event.
  12. THERE is prize money in the SWC. As previously stated, the Swedes split it amongst their squad. The better the team performs the more money they get. I am not suggesting it is a fortune, it clearly isn't.
  13. IF they are his direct quotes then he has been badly advised but, remember, I doubt the lad has much experience dealing with the media and tempering his language. However, agree with SCB here. Glad to see the lad showing some anger and being annoyed at being left out rather than just shrugging his shoulders as some have done. Also would have liked to see him in Prague. Think the track there might actually suit him a little better and the experience would have been invaluable. He is undoubtedly one for the future. The USA team even had a fifth rider at KL, a 16-year-old they brought over with them for experience, and he had some laps on the track during practice. He could also sink in the atmosphere of an international event and store it in his memory bank. Team GB might at least have had Ritchie Worrell there for the same reasons. Missed opportunity.
  14. NOT I am not. I said quite clearly that his injury is genuine. But he had previously intimated that he, like the Laguta brothers, would not ride as a protest against the Russian federation. As things turned out he did not need to secure a dubious medical certificate which is what, I am led to believe, has happened with Grigorii and Artem who both rode in Sweden last Tuesday. YOU are missing out the bit where BSI/IMG pay the FIM a considerable sum of money for the commercial rights and to provide the prize money.
  15. AS a matter of interest, Tony Olsson told me that with regard to the SWC the Swedish federation (SVEMO) pay all riders expenses including travel and hotel accommodation and the riders split the prize money ... not much of that in the past two years, however. If that was also the case with the Russian federation would imagine that messrs Sayfutindov and the Laguta riders wouldn't be drumming up excuses or, indeed, medical certificates, not to be there. Incidentally, not suggesting that Emil's current injury is a hoax because it clearly isn't but in his case it was quite convenient.
  16. John Davis has always been close to Edward Kennett who, I believe, goes out with his daughter. Obviously thought he could help. Incidentally, in case anyone attempts to ridicule his rather large girth (as I did) ... it is down to a medical condition and not as I (embarrassingly) suggested for eating too many of his own pies. JD was a very good, though probably not world class rider, and was always delighted and honoured to represent his country.
  17. JUST to clarify the point (if anyone is interested) ... from this season national team managers have to have an FIM licence, obtainable for around £25 after attending a seminar. Neil had the chance to do so in Rugby but declined. The reason that only FIM licence holders can hold the title of team manager is that should any disciplinary action be required they (as licence holders) can be held to account whereas they have no real authority over anyone without a licence. Also, only FIM licence holders can make official protests or attend any subsequent Jury meeting, etc. The TV graphics people needed an alternative title for Neil when it came to nominating riders for the last round of heats and it was decided to call him 'coach.'
  18. BECAUSE he felt he wasn't getting a fair rub of the green (and yellow)...
  19. WE are doing GPs in three hours max including parade, draws, etc. SWC has only 20 races so should be considerably less. Have to accept that TV companies need ad breaks... that's the world we live in. We go straight from the parade to the first race at GPs. Heat 1 usually off at 07.12pm. Last race usually around 9.35pm unless there are major hold-ups.
  20. MOXEY63 ... don't see why KL meeting should drag on unless there are countless stoppages for whatever reason. Will be run like a GP, riders out on track as soon as one race finishes, grading and watering if necessary (which it probably will be) after each round of four.
  21. NOT sure it is entirely his choice, just as it wasn't with Bocey and Ryan Sullivan. Some faces fit, some don't...
  22. APPARENTLY Gollob sustained a back injury while riding his motocross bike last week. The Czestochowa promoter must be pulling his hair out. One minute he has a GP-like line-up with Holder and Ward, Sayfutdinov and the Laguta brothers, Gollob, etc and now they are all missing. Stadium looks nice but my spies (Tatum and Pearson) tell me that the town is a throw back to the old days in Poland and makes Gorzow look salubrious. This morning the famous church bells in the town (almost outside their bedroom windows) were in full chime at 5am. They were provided with a car for their use but with no diesel (had to find someone to go and get some!), it has done over 200,000 ks and this morning the battery was as flat as the proverbial... They have just hailed a cab to get to the stadium!
  23. JUST spoken to one of the BSI team in Czestochowa and "its glorious sunsine with a blue sky" (or should that be Eurosport!)...
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