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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. GOLLOB'S withdrawal might have more to him losing his Monster sponsorship - he was allegedly the highest paid amongst the speedway fraternity - than anything else. AS he was a wild card pick rather than a qualifier either through the top eight or the Challenge the FIM might consider that as an option...
  2. IF you were going to Daugavpils chances are you would fly to Riga anyway... By the way, I've just pulled the other way. Believe or believe not, I won't lose any sleep over it. But I know when BSI are paying the bills because Pinegen (Speedway Star) produces the programmes and that is what we did for all the Terrenzano GPs. With regard to Gollob and Sayfutdinov ... not saying they will ride in SGP at expense of SEC if the FIM stick with that policy, but don't see why either would commit one way or the other at this stage other than to try and force the FIM's hand on behalf of OneSport.
  3. I'VE been told that Emil has submitted his entry form for SGP ... this still has a long way to run
  4. WHEN I said there "isn't one now" I was referring to an Italian GP ...I am quite aware that Armando is Italian!
  5. ISN'T it called the "World Series" because it was initially sponsored by the World newspaper? Agree with you though about how insular Americans are generally. Even their "World" news rarely includes anything happening outside the States and then only if there are Americans involved. All the more reason why we should applaud those who have crossed the pond to race in the UK and Europe and added so much to speedway over the past few decades.
  6. THERE isn't one now ... perhaps historically it was to curry favour with the President of the FIM who was Italian as was the President of the CCP.
  7. GPs in Terenzano were actually 'staged' by BSI because at the time they perceived some sort of gain from having a GP in Italy... the backing from the local province from very limited. Sure they don't have any obligation with TV companies for a particular number of GPs and, as stated previously, they have no problem filling the calendar. Berlin, Lonigo, Krkso and Gdansk were all close to joining the rota this year. Obviously BSI don't share your view that a GP in Russia is essential. Sure if the terms were right they would seriously consider it but doubt whether they are that bothered. The people behind the GP in Riga are convinced they can transform the proposed venue over the next few months and have government backing but there remains the option of going back to Daugavpils for a year if necessary. I believe that ticket sales for Tampere now exceed 4,000.
  8. IT is a fee paid to the FIM, suppose you could call it a licence. GPs are at the top of the scale. Don't think it includes insurance coverage, that remains the responsibility of the local promoter as far as I know.
  9. JUST to repeat, the SS App will be available from December 5th but personally think it better to go through Exact Editions... incidentally, the net income for SS from either method is about the same
  10. THERE will be a SS app available as a free download from iTunes on Thursday but, frankly, the best deal is through exact editions.com/speedwaystar. I have been out of the UK for some time now and read the last three editions on my iPad. Works well...
  11. GPS in Italy pay same inscription fee as British GP at Cardiff. No one disputes how good the stadium in Togliatti is but what about Gustrow and Holsted? Anyway, this theme is just a handful of us going round in circles. Time to move on ... Incidentally, Humphrey, have you taken out an online sub for Speedway Star as you promised? No doubt you are a man of your word so I thank you.
  12. DON'T think there is a glitch ... probably in the hands of the lawyers!
  13. FOR starters SEC events don't have to pay the FIM 20,000 Euros (been down this road before) and why should BSI feel obligated to take the SGP into Russia when they can do better elsewhere? Can hardly compare popularity of soccer and ice hockey in Russia with speedway.
  14. THE Aussie channel that screens the SGP is nationwide and although there are vast distances involved from say Perth to Sydney it is hardly comparable to Russia where Vladivostok is virtually on a different continent to Moscow. No doubt the bottom line is that no TV station in Russia is interested although, given that IMG actually have an office in Moscow, I am sure it has been touted around.
  15. WITH some tracks literally thousands of miles from another... don't think you can seriously compare Russia with any other country. Actually, I don't even know what their TV coverage is like. Are the channels nation wide or more localised?
  16. THE countries and TV stations that show the SGP in various forms (live, delayed, highlights, etc) are well-documented, verifiable and available in the Media Guide they produce each year. Despite Emil's success. speedway isn't big in Russia as a whole which is probably why there isn't a TV deal in place. This dispute between the FIM and One Sport still has some way to run and I wouldn't take too much notice of some of the propaganda coming out of Poland, where let's not forget Emil now rides for Torun whose owner has an association with Nice who are sponsors of the SEC... it is a tangled web.
  17. DON'T know whether any money changed hands but they certainly didn't part on the best of terms. Quite a few bridges would need to be mended for Garrity and BV to be re-united but if they can each put their differences to one side it might be worth it.
  18. MY understanding is that Cook was more upset about the timing of the story in the Edinburgh paper than the actual content...
  19. NOTHING wrong with air-fences in principle, on the contrary, but they still have to be fitted and maintained properly. Not saying that this was the case at Coventry but Chris Holder would no doubt argue that he had a right and an expectation for it to prevent him sustaining the injuries that he did. Been at a couple of GPs this year when upon close examination by the Jury President and Referee the installed air-fence required considerable work before it was considered secure and effective. Not sure that all air-fences undergo that sort of scrutiny before all domestic meetings.
  20. DON'T see why. Had the air-fence not lifted when hit by Chris's bike, as it shouldn't have done, it would have absorbed and cushioned the impact of Chris as it was designed to do.
  21. THEY were indeed and, as yet, we (and Chris) still do not know how well he will recover. There may well be psychological scars to contend with and it is easy to understand why at this stage he doesn't want to commit to up to 40 meetings in the UK. The fact is that had the air-fence at Coventry done the job for which it was designed Chris would not have sustained the injuries that he did. He is understandably bitter about that. Also, I cannot subscribe to the view that he 'owes' British speedway anything. He has given tremendous service not only to Poole but wherever he has ridden. Of course, he has been paid for his services but he is, after all, a professional sportsman. He is at liberty to choose where and when he wants to work and frankly I find the comments of some on here nothing short of pathetic.
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