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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. BEEN over this before. The inclusion of Harris in the series was nothing to do with BSI. When Gollob withdrew the FIM's own rules came into play and Harris, like it or not, was next in line from the Challenge. Sadly, the reality is that there are a number of riders along with Harris in the series this year who, so far, have looked well below the desired standard which only goes to amplify the loss of Gollob and Sayfutdinov in my opinion.
  2. BEEN over this many times ... have no idea whether he was under any pressure or even induced by people in Poland to withdraw but there is no doubt that the loss of the Monster sponsorship (in excess of $100,000 I believe) was a major factor. He is also hardly a youngster any more and perhaps all the travelling and time involved in a 12 round series was becoming too much for him. However, I can say with absolute certainty that at the Stockholm GP (where he got hurt) last year Gollob's manager was pleading for him to get a wild card slot after it became apparent that he wouldn't finish in the top eight. You can belittle the basketball game all you like but at least I have spoken to some people who actually live in Bydgoszcz who have said that they and others they know went to the basketball (indoors, out of the weather, cheaper) whereas in previous years they would have gone to the speedway. Maybe not that many, but as the Tesco mantra goes, every little helps...
  3. IF you are going to quote me then please do so accurately... I posted that the promoters believed the clash with a basketball match (not, incidentally, a knockabout game in a school hall) was just one of many contributing factors including the non-appearance of Tomasz Gollob and (to a lesser extent) Emil Sayfutdinov, a general apathy towards speedway in a recession hit Bydgoszcz, inclement weather, the price of tickets and, in the eyes of some but not all, the perceived war between BSI and OneSport.
  4. NOT for the lack of trying I can assure you. No doubt one of the major reasons why the SGPs are shown live in Australia is because they, unlike Kiwiland, have representation, and two championship contenders to boot, in the event.
  5. ACTUALLY agree with a lot of that. And I do fear that riders like Tomasz Gollob and Greg Hancock will never actually be replaced. Just as Sweden has never replaced Tony Rickardsson. They were one-offs for different reasons and while the first two SGP rounds this year have been excellent in racing terms, on an individual basis one can hardly put the likes of Jonsson, Lindgren, Harris, Batchelor and Bjerre in the same category. They don't set the pulses pounding. For either or both the SGP and the SEC to survive and prosper the sport desperately needs new blood from right across the speedway spectrum. However, I do find it odd that some on here lay all the blame for Saturday's poor attendance at the door of BSI. What did they do wrong? Bydgoszcz would be a popular choice of venue for most people and the track produced some fantastic racing. To suggest that a number of factors didn't have any affect is disingenuous. Apparently there is a big story in one of the local Bydgoszcz papers quoting the Mayor (who didn't even attend until the last minute) as saying he is going to launch an investigation into why the figure was so low. Maybe he should look on his own doorstep first... ON what basis are you quoting Paul Bellamy? He has said no such thing... point me in the direction of where he has ever said that riders shouldn't be allowed to compete in both the SGP and the SEC.
  6. CARE to provide me with Armando's exact words? Believe me or believe me not but I spoke to Armando on several occasions last year and he and the FIM did not want riders competing in both competitions. He used to text me after numerous meetings between the various parties saying "still no white smoke." In other words, still no resolution. When have BSI actually said anything about the dispute? They insisted all along that it was for the FIM to resolve and they should keep out of it, other than trying to get their inscription fees in line with those of the SEC. BSI/IMG's lawyers (and they have plenty) also agreed that the FIM would be on very precarious ground if they went ahead with the ban. Evebntually the FIM backed down and will doubtless do so again. When OneSport come to negotiate a new deal for 2016 onwards it might be a different story. Time will tell.
  7. I WOULDN'T disagree with your first point about qualifiers but that is what the FIM had (and still do) in mind. Who is 'speedway as a whole'? Love or loathe BSI even you should at least acknowledge the huge year long operation they mount to run these events. They don't just turn up on Friday afternoon and expect everything to work like clockwork. As to your last sentence... just another dig at me? I come on here not as a journalist but as poster just like you to voice my own opinions.
  8. YOU are still missing the point. It was the FIM itself who were unhappy with the contract agreed between OneSport and FIM Europe. It was the FIM who wanted to stop riders competing in both. It is the FIM who wanted the Euros to be qualifiers for the World Championship.
  9. OF course they pay millions... it's not a one year deal. But that's just semantics. The fact is BSI pay considerably more than OneSport and, within reason, so should they for a World as opposed European Championship. However, the inscription fees which are supposedly to cover FIM costs should surely be the same or at least similar?
  10. WHICH is exactly what the FIM hierarchy as opposed to their FIM Europe cousins wanted... OR you could hope that Polish speedway goes bust and all the riders flock back to Britain. Neither is a good idea and nether will happen...
  11. BSI actually pay millions to the FIM for the World Championship. What do OneSport pay for the SEC rights? But that is a separate issue. Their concern is the difference in inscription fees (20,000 as against 1,500) for example.
  12. SURELY a European Championship should always play second fiddle (junior event) to a World Championship? ONE word answer: WRONG! Believe what you like if it makes you feel better but the strings lay in the domain of the FIM and it is they who have doing the pulling. Incidentally, what makes you think that you speak for "most of us" or are you just limiting that to those who are anti-BSI on here?
  13. NOT sure anyone ever claimed that ... Latest list I have (excluding UK, Poland, Denmark, Australia and Sweden) taking the highlights package includes Austria, Balkans, Bulgaria, Czech Rep and Slovakia, France, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South America, Switzerland and Thailand plus Middle East countries. SO good they paid for it twice ... my apologies
  14. HOW many more times ... the SEC is a matter for the FIM. It is their property. And it was the FIM itself not BSI that issued the edict about riders not competing in both. BSI's complaint, which even to their most ardent critic might seem fair, is that both the SGP and SEC should compete on a level playing field.
  15. THIS is just one person's (albeit one involved in the organisation last weekend) opinion for the poor attendance, alongside the SGP/SEC spat that is being blamed on BSI by OneSport whenever possible. Silly really because at the end of the day the more successful EVERY speedway meeting is, whether at domestic or international level, the more the sport will ultimately prosper. Anyway, here goes... 1) downpours on Saturday afternoon would have stopped some travelling fans who had not already purchased tickets 2) Big basketball match in the City with BYDGOSZCZ going for the bronze medal (even the mayor went to the basketball and turned up for the prize giving... can see where his priorities are 3) no Gollob 4) recession seems to be hitting in Poland and understand Bydgoszcz has a high unemployment rate 5) stadium facilities and viewing is so poor now compared to Gorzow and Torun 6) SWC in Bydgoszcz this year too 7) Bydgoszcz are in the second division and with no speedway GP riders there was no local support. They had 1500 fans for their opening league match Make of that what you will but in my view each is a valid point which when put together do at least go some way (though not all) to explaining why Saturday's attendance was so poor.
  16. THE highlights programme put together the Thursday after a SGP and sent to various TV channels around the world is obviously different to what is available live either as a stream or on channels in Australia, Denmark, Poland, the UK and Denmark. ASKED Paul Bellamy (MD of BSI) about your comment and he replied: Sport 1 already have a contract but we understand their budget cuts mean they can’t/won’t pay their own guys to be in the studio and their own technician cost from Germany The live stream will be looked at.
  17. LET'S hope whatever camp you are in good performances from KK will help the attendance at Gorzow. I wouldn't pretend to be an expert on Polish speedway but have been going there since 1970 and, unlike Britian for example, attendances for meetings there in the latter SGP era have depended very much on the likelihood of a Polish winner ... which is why Gollob was such a huge drawcard. Just my opinion... British fans have always been more cosmopolitan, often supporting riders of whatever nationality. Not quite like that in Poland or even Denmark. A SWC Final in the Uk would probably attract a similar attendance with or without home representation but can you imagine that happening in Poland?
  18. ADDRESSING a few recent posts... DO you seriously think that Gollob would not have continued in the SGP if Monster Energy had renewed his highly lucrative sponsorship deal? Do you not think that if Gollob had been racing on Saturday the attendance would have been bigger than it was? It was categorically not BSI who tried to prevent riders from competing in both the SGP and the SEC. It is also a fact that BSI consistently argued to the FIM that it would be illegal to try and impose such a ban, especially after riders were allowed to do both in 2013. BSI's beef with the FIM was about inscription fees etc. They would be quite happy to pay the riders far greater prize money if the fees they currently pay to the FIM was reduced to that paid by OneSport. I accept I may have got it wrong about the basketball. Info came from a text from someone there ... for personal reasons I have not been to a SGP this year. I firmly believe that Polish fans will flock to Bydgoszcz for the SWC Final because they will want to see their country win the title again, especially if Gollob is re-instated in the side. He may have another strop and decided not to ride after being left out last year but I rather doubt it. I also believe that he will still make another appearance in the SGP. .. Warsaw in 2015. That would be the grand finale he deserves. After all, his last appearance wasn't exactly the way he would like to be (and shouldn't be) remembered. He may not have the same number of World title wins as the likes of Rickardsson, Crump and Pedersen but speaking as someone who has been at the vast majority of SGP rounds, his contribution is second to none. Why should BSI be criticised for their decision to stage a SGP at Bydgoszcz? It was a great meeting ... and no one will suffer more from the poor attendance than them. I'm not sure how they can be blamed for that. The local authorities were desperate to have a SGP again but Bydgoszcz simply isn't the speedway stronghold that it once was when their hometown hero was in his pomp. As to westhamboy66's remark about Speedway Star's cosy relationship with the BSPA ... how did you come to that conclusion? I AM not pretending that problems between BSI and OneSport don't exist, as New Science suggests. But there is no doubt that OneSport have been happy to whip up propaganda against BSI and the SGP for their own ends and there are several influential people in Polish speedway happy to see this happen.
  19. I'M not looking the other way. I just don't agree that the only reason (or, indeed, the prime reason) the attendance tonight was so poor was because of the politics as you call it fought out during the winter. Ultimately the FIM caved in and agreed that riders could compete in both the SGP and the SEC so why should Polish fans just stay away from the SGP out of spite? If the crowds for the SWC and the SGPs in Gorzow and Torun are smilier to that at Bydgoszcz tonight then your argument might carry more weight so maybe we should just wait and see.
  20. MAYBE what Emil says in public is not necessarily the same as he says in private. If he doesn't regret not trying to be World Champion, given his huge talent, then I have seriously mis-judged him in the past. I wouldn't argue that a SGP in Bydgoszcz is not the crowd puller it would have been with Gollob and Sayfutdinov participating but there is also no hiding the fact that speedway there isn't as popular as it was. Which is a shame because, as previously stated, the track produces fantastic speedway worthy of a huge audience.
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