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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. MIGHT have something to do with Monday night football on Sky ... preferring a Wednesday fixture for speedway
  2. WARD versus Sayfutdinov with Tai and hopefully a rejuvenated Holder thrown in would be good for the next few years. Plus a couple of young Poles. Dudek seems to have got back into his stride pretty quickly. Plenty of efforts being made to persuade Emil to return to the SGP. It won't be for the lack of trying.
  3. BUT there is a whole lot more to do, more bars, restaurants and hotels within half a mile of the Millennium than Wembley Stadium.
  4. MOST riders lay-off their mechanics during the winter so the additional costs would not be practical
  5. TYPICAL comment from you Humphrey. Nicola put her heart and sole into her ever expanding job for almost 15 years, worked very long hours and was away almost every other weekend f rom April to October. Not very conducive to maintain a fairly young relationship. Gemma is having a baby but will return after maternity leave. Had the Rallycross vacancy not arisen unexpectedly PB would have continued with speedway. So what's "telling" about that? Actually Paul will still be involved with the aftermath of Warsaw.
  6. THINK you've answered the question. Hotel we stayed in just a few minutes from the Casa Arena looked brand new but apparently was built especially for the visit of Madonna.
  7. IT is all too easy to lose sight of the fact that the product can still be very good. And when it is (recent Swedish league match between Vetlanda and Indianarna was top drawer) it is as good as anything else). And last night's meeting at Poole included no guests or even r/r.
  8. EXACTLY. Wouldn't be surprised in somewhere along the line if and when Rob Armstrong moves further up the IMG ladder Paul Bellamy takes over as Global Head of Motor Sport, which would effectively put him back in charge of speedway. Incidentally, Nicola Sands, who has been an absolute joy to work with for almost 15 years and was a speedway fan in her youth in her native Glasgow, wanted "her life back" ... a 9 to 5 job and weekends at home. She leaves a huge void.
  9. PAUL hasn't been demoted, far from it. Despite Humphrey's continual and highly predictable sniping, Paul did a great job, is a terrific guy and at this moment in time IMG needed someone to take over the reins of their burgeoning rally cross division and in Torben had a ready made replacement for BSI Speedway.
  10. WHEN KT was doing his track test... or indeed at practice
  11. NOT really. The track was excellent when he rode it at 12.30 on Friday, before the usual hammering it takes in practice when a couple of ruts appeared but were worked on overnight. They didn't re-appear until late in the actual meeting. The premium on gating only really became apparent when four riders were on the track and the advantage from one became apparent.
  12. KELVIN Tatum, who has ridden there, reckons the track is pretty good.
  13. HORSENS ... what a delightful town, especially in the sunshine. Vojens or Kolding it isn't. Place absolutely buzzing this morning, so many English fans here. This could turn out to be a great speedway venue for both fans and riders.
  14. OVERCAST this morning but blue sky now appearing and a fine weather forecast. Should be a good meeting with some interesting first corners! TATUM'S track test... http://speedwaygp.com/news/article/4353/video-tatums-horsens-test
  15. KELVIN Tatum did several laps for BSI social media today and gave the tracks the thumbs up...
  16. WHEN I and four others was offered the chance to take a redundancy package from IPC which included ownership of Speedway Star in April 1989 we had less than a week to agree otherwise my colleagues (though not me) would have been made redundant and SS closed down immediately. Pinegen was an off-the shelf shell company that we acquired and we went ahead but had little working capital. We sold 20 per cent of the shareholding to four 'outsiders' only one of which was a member of the BSPA because he (Terry Russell) was desperate to ensure the magazine's survival, for which we are eternally grateful. Terry sold his shareholding back to Pinegen within a fairly short space of time but never at any time tried to influence us in any way. In fact our relationship with the BSPA over the years has been fractured to say the least.
  17. NO overnight rain or thunderstorms, clear blue sky. Is this really the wettest part of Denmark this year! Hope that is not tempting fate. Draw at noon, practice at 3pm.
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