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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. FREDDIE Lindgren in SS this week after his ELRC victory ... Normally most riders have to have their engine tuners strip down their engine after 15/10 heats. The first time it happened to his GTR was after 90 races and he points out that was just routine rather because something had gone wrong. "We checked out everything, put it on a dyno and the power ratio was the same as new. 360 laps ... that's a lot laps!" said Lindgren.
  2. ONE of the problems with averages is illustrated by Joe Jacobs who scores loads of points at Belle Vue and virtually none at places like Wolverhampton and Lakeside.
  3. WELL put. As far as immigration is concerned having control is the key. No Brexitier has suggested no foreigner should be allowed to come and work here. far from it. But having the right to make our own decisions about who does and doesn't come here to WORK and not just take money out of a system they haven't contributed to is surely common sense. If politicians including Hammond starting talking positively those still having jitters might calm down a little. And as posted elsewhere, by the time the UK actually gets round to leaving the EU may well have imploded anyway especially if Mrs Merkel is shown the door by the German electorate.
  4. I THOUGHT this was a speedway forum ... but since you ask. The reinstatement of British sovereignty, the right of the British people to make and administer their own laws and not be subject to unelected officials elsewhere. No more lies as you put it from the leave camp as the remain (every time Osborne opened his mouth) Anyone could see through it ... well, over 17 million people didn't and the reason there was no economic plan was because Cameron never believed the British people would have the audacity to vote to leave. Plenty of big companies like Dyson and JCB who believe Britain can prosper outside the EU and at the same time control immigration which only a complete idiot, which I presume you are not, would call racism.
  5. WHAT about the cost, allegedly he is the highest paid rider in the UK and one that, unlike Doyle for example, is very hit and miss for a number one.
  6. DO you honestly think the Germans won't want to sell their cars and washing machines, etc in the UK? It's not a one-way street, they get more from us than the other way round. Loads of countries outside the EU desperate to do trade with us. Roll on Brexit ... but back to the speedway.
  7. NOT sure that was anything to do with the BSPA.
  8. AMUSING moment at BV last night ... was chatting to hero Alan Wilkinson in the Peter Craven suite before the meeting, along with Dave Morton who had turned away and was looking out across the track. Along came Chris Morton, who said: "Have you seen Mort?" "I'm looking at him I replied somewhat incredulously." "No, Mort, my brother." Me: "He's about three feet away." Chris: "Mort (to his brother) have you got that ticket I gave you?" Dave: "Mort (to his brother), do you want it back?" Chris: "Yes please Mort." Dave: "Okay Mort." By now my head was spinning. As Mort (Chris) was walking away Mort (Dave) said: "Great, he's gives me a ticket then takes it away. Wilkie and I were laughing. What a star Wilkie remains. Still doesn't mince his wards. "Matej Zagar, I'd give him a kick up his **** He was a giant when he rode for Belle Vue and remains so today.
  9. BEING arranged for early winter... THAT'S not for me to know but do know BSPA as a whole are seriously looking at ways to help riders cut costs and presumebly, as a result, their own
  10. ONE thing I did find annoying last night was the 10 plus minutes gap between Heats 14 and 15. Okay, Wolves clinched the title after Heat 14 but surely Sky could have waited for one more race to do whatever they did ... didn't see as was in the grandstand. It was a bitterly cold night, with a very strong wind howling across the stadium and I'm sure most people there just wanted to get on with it. Incidentally, about a previous comment about Nigel Pearson and gloves ... he and KT were positioned at the centre of bends 3/4 with no protection from the wind and were, in their words, "bloody freezing."
  11. MARCEL Gerhard and his daughter, who runs the business, are hopeless at getting the message about the success of their product out to the public, as I and others have constantly been telling them and did so again in Torun. Wolves boss Chris van Straaten confirmed to me last night along with Freddie how little he had spent on his engines this year and how well they had been performing without any major servicing or super tuning. On a big, fast track at BV he was unbeatable. GTR needed a rider who could establish the engine's credentials and provide them with 'feed back' and perform at the highest level which Lindgren has and Chris Harris sadly couldn't on both counts. There are other junior riders who can contest that they have used the GTR for a whole season now without problems or significant costs. Of course, they won't grab any headlines like Freddie but they are still doing the laps. The problem for GTR now is whether, in the light of anticipated demand, they can actually produce sufficient engines to meet that demand. So, to answer SCB's point, yes you can have fast and reliable.
  12. JUDGING by LIndgren's performance at BV tonight they don't need tuning. He says he has spent about 3,000 euros on five engines (general maintenance) this season and previously sometimes did only three meetings before a 1500 euro full service.
  13. RIDERS being owed money is commonplace ... actually having their debt paid off, albeit it slowly is quite another and as I understand it that has been the case at Belle Due and elsewhere.
  14. I WOULD go so far to add that Tai has sorely missed PA's influence at SGPs this year.
  15. IF you knew what Lemo does behind the scenes, helping riders and especially Cook, you wouldn't say that. What he cannot do is ride the bikes for them. His fault that Zagar scored five or that Scotty failed dismally? I think not. Maybe with hindsight Cook should have had the tactical but Lemo explained that. BV are lucky to have him.
  16. SKY regularly getting over 100,000 viewers for speedway which is pretty good in this day and age and just goes to show that many only watch on TV rather than attend meetings. The Sky money, both the season by season pay-out and the staging fees (£10,000 I believe) are vital to the EL tracks.
  17. FEW snippets from Buster but it was supposed to be entertaining and it was.
  18. THAT'S the one ... thanks. It's these bread and butter riders who GTR should be trying to attract. Might be a little more expensive to start with but apparently have proven their reliability over a season now while also, as Lindgren shows, being competitive.
  19. THREE riders only three points adrift who could yet relegate Freddie to outside the top eight. One of whom is Iversen who seems to have got himself going, Zagar too.
  20. MARCEL Gerhard said in Tortun that Lindgren has five engines and none have had a major service this year. Was also a junior (NL) rider in the TravelPlus fans forum on Saturday who said he has a GTR and hasn't had a service all season.
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