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Everything posted by PHILIPRISING

  1. DIDN'T want to make it too easy Will investigate... THANK you. Would love to take some credit but I keep out of the way these days.
  2. APART from exposure, a great day out for 40,000 plus fans and a fee paid to the BSPA ...
  3. I NEVER said Wroclaw would be a substitute for Warsaw and with Torun signing a new three-year deal have to think that Gorzow might be vulnerable.
  4. WHY don't we wait and see what Pavel Ondrasik has to say. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Crowds have been good of late and should be again this year with the line-up that is in offer, especially with the ever-popular Emil Sayfutdinov in the ranks. It was in Prague, of course, that he burst onto the international scene with a victory in his first SGP.
  5. VERY much doubt it. POSSIBLY Tim but not sure any stadium in Stockholm is viable these days.
  6. DON'T think they will have trouble proving that they were unaware of what was used as the sub-base on turns three and four.
  7. CANNOT see Stockholm continuing beyond this year. Current state of Swedish speedway remains a big issue and without the pulling power of some star names - what a difference Tony R Rickardsson in his prime would make - the Friends Arena isn't viable. Think you can safely add Warsaw to the list above, new stadiums in Poland including the revamped Wroclaw could come into the equation. Might even be two in Denmark again.
  8. LOTS off activity at the stadium but I'm told the telephone lines were only reconnected very recently and they now have internet there as well. Has been making life difficult. Also, MCC have taken over some of the office space so working conditions for others a little cramped. They are very keen to revamp their website, will have top speedway journo Richard Frost writing a blog and Eddie Garvey, as good a speedway photographer as there is, will be back on board supplying photos to the Manchester Evening News.
  9. YOUR last line is the most relevant. MCC are correct in.saying that Gordon and Morton were responsible for the track along with the safety fence. But, what we are really talking about is the track surface, not what lay beneath it which was, of course, the root of the problem. It would help if MCC released the Arup report, which they still refuse to do so. Why?
  10. MCC haven't actually said that the BV promotion were aware of the material used for the sub-base on turns three and four. They did, however, as per the April 12th document sent to ISG, insist that the material should be left on site when it was dug up. It wasn't and 'mysteriously' disappeared who knows where.
  11. SOME good ones online, too, at speedwaystar.net/Xtra.aspx
  12. THANK you ... it is frustrating when copies don't arrive on time.
  13. WHAT do you mean by 'review' issue? Bumper pre-season edition is out next week.
  14. WE contacted the sorting office (Feltham) where Speedway Star subs are taken after collection in Surbiton but, as expected, they say that the fault must lay with those at the end of the chain.
  15. PERMANENT terracing and toilets (and concession facilities) on the south side of the NSS should have been installed by MCC as part of their original agreement with Belle Vue Arena Limited but the Council by their own admission ran out of money. This is one of the reasons why BVAL never officially, took 'possession' of the stadium. It was incomplete ... in other respects, too. Temporary terracing and toilets were put in place by BVAL (Gordon and Morton) and paid for by them which formed part of the loss assessment of £690,000 arrived at by an independent company. No doubt the company that supplied them were among the creditors at the end of the season which is why they were taken out. Presumably Belle Vue 2017 have insisted that MCC complete the south side of the stadium as part of their agreement and to ensure that the stadium, if necessary, can operate at full capacity which it could not in 2016 including for the SWC. BVALs agreement with IMG for staging the 2016 SWC was for a stadium with a capacity of 9,000 but because of MCC restrictions placed on attendance on the south side this wasn't possible. It is the view of IMG that they would have sold 9,000 tickets for the Final had that been permitted and there was a serious loss of revenue because of that. INCIDENTALLY, some on here have accused me personally and Speedway Star of slanting our original story on the NSS fiasco in favour of David Gordon and that we have been biased in our coverage. I refute that, not least because in the weeks and months before publishing the interview with David Gordon, MCC refused numerous requests to make a comment and also threatened legal action unless we withdrew a number of passages in the piece, which reluctantly we did. However, now MCC have put everything into the public domain with their official report and, as such, a number of areas that were 'off limits' are no longer so, which is why you can expect a forceful response from David Gordon sooner rather than later.
  16. Presumably this lot is being paid for by MCC and not Gordon/Morton (BVAL)...
  17. HAVE been away but will check with the office on Wednesday. Sadly, I have no doubt what your local office will say: "It's not their fault." But there must be something wrong there because literally thousands of other people get their copy either on a Thursday or latest Friday. Once it leaves our office at 10am on a Wednesday we have absolutely no control over its delivery schedule... more's the pity. I do sympathise and we don't like to lose any subscribers but it is out of our hands. Is there not another local newsagent that will take a regular order from you?
  18. THE five people listed invested as part of EIS - Enterprise Investment scheme which provides a 30% tax relief -but the money had to be effectively 'used' with a two year period to have any effect. It wasn't because of the two-year delay in construction of the NSS caused by MCC belatedly discovering that there was a covenant on the site and plans for the stadium had to be redrawn. More of this in SS shortly.
  19. FANTASY Speedway League fans can now enter the 2017 competition online at www.fantasy-speedway.com. The new league season launched two weeks ago and would-be promoters can begin their team building by logging onto the website and registering to play. There is a first prize of £1,000 awaiting the eventual winner, plus many more prizes for managers of the month and the winner of the end-of-season play-off competition. Speedway Star is happy to endorse this year’s competition run by our friends at fantasy-speedway.com but we would like to stress that the magazine and publishers Pinegen Limited no longer have any involvement in the FSL. All inquiries should be directed to the FSL via e-mail to: admin@fantasy-speedway.com
  20. MARK Lemon comes from the same town as Sedgman, has known him from birth and believes that he can get the best out of him on British tracks. If anyone can, he can!
  21. We haven't changed anything that I know of ...
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