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  1. S.T.R. Meetings for the Year 2014 Date Time Venue Classes Sunday 23rd March 11.00am Kings Lynn Practice followed by AGM Sunday 6th April 12.00 Kings Lynn Sunday 11th May 12.00 Kings Lynn Sunday 1st June 12.00 Kings Lynn Sunday 29th June 12.00 Kings Lynn Saturday 9th August 5.00pm Kings Lynn Sunday 14th September 12.00 Kings Lynn Sunday 12th October 12.00 Kings Lynn Sunday 16th November 12.00 Kings Lynn
  2. 23rd feb practice as been called off track unfit
  3. Training Saturday 23rd feb at 11am , non members welcome get down there blow some cob webs off . u contact 07787824294 or txt would be better Please note there will be no spares van Saturday so grab some fuel before, u get there ,
  4. Hurry up and book in 24th feb filling up fast , get then cobwebs off
  5. Adam Kenyon I use a old face plate and fibre plate Adam Kenyon sells then not Kirby ,
  6. Send me your mob number is easyer for me , want1800 for it
  7. Got a jawa long stroke full service here's the things new on it bars jrm carb cables grips cut out launch control both foot rests engine plates dep silencer all brackets both chains all nuts and bolts spacers clutch centre mudguards covers seat , front forks adjustable progressive front shock top pleated K&N filter
  8. Still time to book in for this meeting 3rd June starts at 12 noon 125s 250s welcome . Phone Linda on 07875140019 or email Linda.str@btinternet.com
  9. Remember to book in for this sundays str at kings Lynn book on website www.southerntrackriders.co.uk Linda or Wayne's mobile numbers
  10. sat 24th march 5pm satart at kings lynn open practice , mobile for booking in 07875140019 or email linda@sotherhtrackriders, this one is a must to get your night time settings for your bike,all riders welcome of any std, will be split in to groups with riders of your std, see you all there
  11. jan,o petersson had them ,i had one blow it to bits ,
  12. Southern Track Riders are holding an open practice at King's Lynn on Sunday 11th march starting at 11am. Anybody wishing to ride please book in with Linda by calling or texting 07875 140019. Cost is £35 for members and £40 for non members, with under 16s £25 for members and £30 for non members. grass bikes welcome
  13. Southern Track Riders are holding an open practice at King's Lynn on Sunday 11th march starting at 11am. Anybody wishing to ride please book in with Linda by calling or texting 07875 140019. Cost is £35 for members and £40 for non members, with under 16s £25 for members and £30 for non members. grass bikes welcome
  14. practice called off AGM will still go ahead at 12noon in the bar at kings lynn
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