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Everything posted by thommo34

  1. I don't understand how a team cannot be crowned league champions when they finish top of the league. I fully understand that the play off system is a good one (how many times can you say that about speedway) but virtually every year the play off winners are determined by injuries and/or weather and/or guests, and its down to luck not being the best team over the year. Surely it makes more sense to have another title (League Shield?) to maintain the end of season interest.
  2. Not many teams seem to arrive anywhere with their own 1-7, its far too serious a problem to be funny. Whats going to happen next - tripling up/down? Come on promoters do some serious thinking between now and the conference and save the sport.
  3. Perhaps,after the BEN fund meeting Steady doesn't want to ride with Josh!
  4. Well 3 days to go and I suspect that me a quite a few others would like to know if there is a meeting this Thursday. I suspect that no news is bad news, but it would be nice to know especially as the weather forecast seems to be good.
  5. Hi Andy, I've updated as you suggested and everything seems OK now. Many Thanks
  6. Hi Andy, Just tried installing Kodi 16.0 "Jarvis" and its exactly the same error. So that's 14.2, 15.0 and 16.0 showing "ERROR unable to create GUI exiting".
  7. I've installed v15 (Windows 7) but when I try to run it I just get "ERROR unable to create GUI exiting". Any help would be appreciated
  8. Well surprise, surprise we've drawn Edinburgh in the KO cup!!!
  9. No mention of what happens with doubling down riders - is that for 2 years only?. Nothing seems to have been done to reduce the number of guests? Would also like to see no rider able to ride in all 3 leagues - but maybe that's one for the NL promoters.
  10. Please no! Even when he was at his best he looked all at sea round Owlerton.
  11. Well less than 2 hours to go and the silence is deafening. I would guess that the majority think that this should be a fairly easy win for the Tigers, Sheffield that is, but if Wolbert Pjiper, Harrison and Henry as on song , along withe the inconsistencies shown by some of our team it could be fairly close. My prediction is 50-40.
  12. How many meetings is Andre going to be at reserve for though?
  13. A few weeks ago we were told that a group of MPs would be helping speedway, could they not play a part in sorting out this mess?
  14. I agree wholeheartedly with you Blackadder. It seems to me that the most important thing that has been missing for the few years is team spirit. Perhaps the major influences to that are Leigh, Simon, Andre and Joe. Their input should be invaluable, particularly to the younger members of the team, as long as they are prepared to listen and learn of course. Now how about some news about the fence! and how about some consortium member names!
  15. It is typical of Damien, he seems to be so determined to succeed. To my mind, on his average, and the form he showed before he was injured last season, he should be a cert for the team.
  16. I don't see anything on there that answers my questions.
  17. Having announced that Sheffield will be running this year, why are there no more signings being announced. Is it waiting for the Nick Morris situation to be sorted or has the takeover hit problems?
  18. I hope this does come off - but I don't think it will. It does give us a strong top end but if we are able to use Andre, Damien and Facu who are all capable of upping their average then I think we have a team of racers and an exciting team to watch.
  19. Well I guess it was only a matter of time before Richard Hall's name was mentioned. Personally I'm looking forward to starting a season without the normal gibberish in press releases saying that this is going to be his season. He's had more than enough chances to fulfil any promise he may have had, but I'd still like to thank him for some superb races round Owlerton over the years.
  20. In my view Damo deserves another chance, he was always ready to ride and practice, and finally, just before his injury, was looking a more than useful rider and probably the best gater in the team. I think he just wants more experience to go with his hunger to succeed, I don't understand the fascination with Facu. For a rider with his reputation I felt he underperformed and I expected more than he delivered. OK he put plenty of effort in but often to little effect and his equipment was incredibly poor. Having said that I think there is room for both of them to improve their averages for next season and I would be quite happy to include them both in next year's team.
  21. I would assume that the 1 I assume that the 14 matches are 3 in the league cup (it says 3 groups of 4) and 11 against all the other teams in the league.
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