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Everything posted by wandersome

  1. With regards to hazarding what might make Leicester the laughing stock of speedway when the sky cameras come i would guess the presenter's performance would rank low on a list of guesses. Talking of which, It does make me wonder what kind of track Sky/Ronnie Russell might curate when they do visit. My guess is they will attempt to create the entertainment though the medium of ploughed field..
  2. On the basis that i trully believe DH thinks the track produced some of the best racing in the UK last year and he told me that the quality of racing for the Cov challenge match vindicated his decision in ignoring pretty much everyone's opinion and sticking with his unique track shape i think it's not happening. No amount of laughing at it by pretty much everyone appears to change his opinion on this, in fact it almost appears to harden his resolve. So my guess is no changes will happen before the season starts. to sum up i think that's about a 90% chance, isn't it?... Mick.
  3. He has always looked very good around BP. Taking Craig Cook out of the equation i would say Doyle was considerably better than any other PL rider around BP and looked good enough for me to think if he can get to the first corner in good order then no one will be passing him PL or EL (with maybe the exception of Ward....)
  4. Not being a Leicester fan i fear you may be missing the thread dynamic a little Steve0..
  5. With so few meetings available in the UK let's praise the good lord above that he's riding for a promotion that everybody knows is famous for paying their riders and paying them on time...
  6. I may have missed the 100's walking around the stadium or the ram jammed toilets.. not really the point though. The point was that in comparison to what crowds have been in attendance in previous years crowds of 450 (even 650 with the full toilets) is worrying. There are clearly plenty of people out there willing to argue against the view that it's worrying and the reasons i think it is and each to their own i guess. I didn't bring you into the topic by saying you worked on the gate at the stadium, I only brought you into the topic as i half remembered you responding to me last time with mention of click counts on the gate. Someone wondered if anyone knew how many season ticket holders there were and i responded I didn't know but you may work on the gate and may be able to answer.. that's why the question was there. But don't let that fact get in your way of having a go at me... Jeez. You'll be glad to hear i think it's time to leave it there for a while again...
  7. can't say i'm convinced but maybe i'm wrong. Putting 2 and 2 together to make 5 there did appear to be a what you might guess was a last minute invite and call to arms for all supporters club staff posted on facebook but that most probably is just my cynical nature reaing into something that isn't really there. Whilst great to see such a big sponsor as Rapid getting involved, looking at the kevlars i'm surprised to see most of last years key sponsors are missing, Ones who appeared to have invested either large amounts of help or money or both into the club since it's inception. The likes of AFS, Lowe's plumbing and others. Anyone know if they are still involved? The figure I gave was an actual walk round headcount of adult fans watching a very poorly attended meeting. If i remember rightly you tried to dispove my figure by giving a figure much higher (650 rather than 450) taken from click count of people entering the stadium. When questioned you admitted your figure would have included all the staff, freebies and children.. Not disimillar it would seem to alluding to last night's big season ticketolder turnout when it would seem that may or may not have been the case, who knows.
  8. not really. I could make a guess going by the length of the tick sheet as you walk in but a guess is all it would be. doesn't BTFC Lion work on the gate. I'm sure he'd have a decent idea The main sponsor definately looks impressive but i guess a lot depends on the value they are providing. We've actually had impressively big names as main sponsors thoughout our return (Breedon Aggregates, Elliots and Jordan Roadsurfacing are all pretty big companies) but sometimes a big name does not equate to a big contribution. As far as i can tell those sponsorships appeared to have provided not much more than some shale, a couple of portacabins and the loan of a digger.. on the face of it not much else. Lets hope there is enough money in this sponsorship deal to at least alter the track into something that's fit to be called speedway!
  9. I'd be interested in knowing quite how many of 'us' there are as you are first person i've come across who has said they have renewed.
  10. telling porkies is a bit harsh, more likely is that AJ has about as much idea about decision making and what's happening at BP as DD, Robert72, Fanmale or me. Maybe it just something as simple as Sarah Braganza forgetting to tell him Glyn's not doing it any more! Mick.
  11. Talking of main sponsors. It's a big week for Leicester with the new main sponsor being announced friday. Anyone got any idea who they are yet? Isn't DH meeting some of last seasons Lions sponsors this week as well? Mick.
  12. I see.. that would explain the slightly odd nature of the info being in the public domain. cheers
  13. Not looking for confirmation on the fact, It's not rocket science why he isn't a Lion. Just looking at the reason why it's suddenly being put about by a Lions fan. The question i asked was where does this information that he has turned down the Lions originate from and if it has been put out by the promotion that riders such as Kenni Larsen aren't signing for them, Why would they do that?
  14. Where have you seen this info LeicesterLion39? Surely we're not getting to the point that we are now releasing info making excuses about the riders we havent signed rather than the ones we are.
  15. They would be good Big Al but my guess would be the budget is more the likes of Lukas Dryml & Timo Lahti.
  16. SO if Doyle and Morris both end up not being options then what does the list of people who are options look like? Also, including myself, i know of 5 people who are season ticket holders and none have renewed as yet for next year. Admittedly we've all discussed, among plenty of other issues, how rubbish the racing has been throughout last year so maybe that's not a great surprise, but I am interested to know if there are any season ticket holders on here who are happy enough to have already renewed for this year.
  17. I heard that Doyle's permit ran out in November and he didn't renew in time which is why the new visa hasn't been granted. If so i guess the 1 year cooling off period then applies. As Glennylion points out if Doyle is not going to get a permit then the double whammy for Leicester is that the Morris problem is then solved by him replacing Doyle at Somerset and staying at Swindon.
  18. I do my best!. I was actually reasonably pleased with the effort. A comedic slant on our dreadful track using the the equally comedic point that the excitement almost needs to be manufactered away from the track (lots of track records last year but using a degree of accuracy that cannot be by definition). Then a couple of reasonable questions as to how it's all going with season tickets and sponsors. Thanks for the heckle anyways. Now where the blooming 'eck did Mrcts leave his like button.
  19. So, had a month off due to interest waning an' all that... Are we still going to attempt to run the season on the dreadful excuse for a track we have? If Dave Darcy is still a promoter maybe we could put pressure on DH for DD to execute another one of his £200 track makeovers? Think of the track records the last one produced, even if it didn't increase the excitement on track any and even if they were as equally stupildly made up as our beloved timekeepers view that we were witnessing the some of the best racing in the UK... It does appeal to the easily pleased though who will probably tell us once more how good the track must be based on those made up tracks records... Just a thought, even if it is a recurringly irritating one... Who are the new sponsors?. Are any season ticket holders going to the big announcement party so they can be told who these sponsors are and who they are afilliated with? I'm intrigued. Love affiliations. Seriously, I did notice season tickets have now supposedly been made even better 'value'. Anyone know how are sales going? i'm surprised a month after initially announcing them they are now widening their value to include extra meetings. Is that good or bad. Its certainly not selling it to me but you know that. Im always asking why?.. maybe good for mugs who pride their love of sport on a tub thumping victory over actual entertainment no doubt, at least why we are winning... but really.
  20. So if decent Polish teamsters are off the agenda.. who are now favourite to fill the remaining spots?
  21. Shouldn't be a problem 1 valve, hasn't Dave Howard on facebook and Hurricanes on here both told us the same thing (maybe exactly the same thing??). The Speedway at BP is as good as anywhere and anyone who doesn't agree clearly has an agenda against the promotion. The last half of last year was superfine to watch, indeed as good if not better than almost every track i think it's been said. No measures needed. Can't we recall Hurricanes for one last post about the quality of the fare. All the people who have stopped going have an agenda, all the many people who still go because they can't bring themselves to stop in spite of the racing, and there are lots and lots of those, are also clearly influenced by the anti DH agenda. All hail Dave Darcy's track changes, they worked in the end! BTW is DD still a co-promoter Mick.
  22. Your last post had me thinking mrlincolncity. Does anyone ever look who is liking their posts and does it ever make them question the intelligence of what they've written? Just wonderin'. Mick. (i've only put screamer's post in because he's quite impressively managed what one might call the crown jewels of 'likes')
  23. No disrespect but where is the profanity and language used by some? As far as i can see you could probably say both Jim The Whipper and Long Eye have a colourful way with the english language but if you are here you know what you're getting from either (they come from the differing views and aim it at the different sections). It goes both ways. where have you seen this 'direct language' and 'worst language'. I saw Lionking get called a 'tw*t' on the very first response on facebook and that is where you generally find that level of language, abuse and those general threatening tones. You, as ever, appear to be making it up. I remember poor old George Wood get royally abused for saying the track isn't producing great racing on one of the facebook pages before being told to 'do one', and he is about as 'pro' Leicester as you get. Having said that, When i manage to catch one of Liontamer's posts in the moments before they are removed they probably fit the description of what you say! You have to be quick though as they don't last long! Re: Tom Perry, I mean't nothing to do with Tom Perry. More aimed at the facebook 'mob'. If you didn't understand that being my point or were purposely trying to turn it into an anti-rider advantage then i think we are as far as we are going on the subject! time for one of my 'jeez's' i'm afraid. Anyways, i think we've responded enough about the subject so i'll offer you the last word where you can back up the language and profanity stuff. all yours. Mick.
  24. You're answering your own question hurricanes. If you're kicking against the pricks then some might feel they require a level of anonymity for just the reason Lionking is probably thankful of his. Doesn't bother me much whether people know who i am or not but does make you think after you look at that response to what looked to me to be a fairly innocuous view about one persons view on a rider, and that just because that rider just happened to take offence at it. Makes you wonder what's gone on.
  25. You know how it works though Hurricanes. Facebook at times almost seems like it was designed to encourage peer pressure and mob rules. That's how facebook works and is it's major drawback, especially on fan sites such as the Leicester ones. That's why the likes of us are on BSF and not facebook. it's gives the opportunity to make a point without being drowned out by the mob whenever they feel like it. Let's look at what's been said. Have you read it. In 36 pages of this thread there is 1 post from Lionking pointing out he thought Tom Perry was not our best option and that he thought he had a shocker of a season just gone. Surely even you'd have to admit at best he lost his way last year for whatever reasons. I like Tom Perry as a rider a lot, i've said it often on here, i've backed him as someone i'd like to ride for Leicester on numerous occasions ever since his first appearance at BP in 2011 and yet i couldn't really disagree with the point Lionking made. Even then the criticism is of the management's decision to pick the riders and not particularly the rider/s. Certainly not really worthy of the response from baying hounds i've seen on here (and i guess on facebook also) but probably explains why they appeared. Mick.
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