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Everything posted by wandersome

  1. Not strictly true TMW. There have been 100's on here who have all made the point that the racing is hopeless over the last few years. Most have given up speedway because of this so what you are left with are 8-10 diehards still hoping for a miracle (that's us) and a similar amount on your facebook site's saying racing is as good as anywhere in the UK. You're right though that we average 850-1000 but those people that do still go can't be just put down as being happy with what is on offer (personally, I would consider most are likely to have just not decided to stop going yet). That would clearly be conjecture on my part but what isn't conjecture is the fact that we started with crowds of 2000-2500 for most the first year and in 3 years we lost 60% of the crowd, maybe as much as 80% for challenge matches.. Nearly all of those don't post about what racing is like anymore because they no longer give a monkeys about the sport. That's not great when you consider we have some of the most welcoming staff and one of the nicest environments to watch the sport in the UK. But if you just think it's 4 of us then hey, ho. Mick.
  2. you can't have my view on that because i wasn't there and they didn't show it on bet365. No one is ever making out passes don't happen (the likes of Harris, Nick Morris etc can clearly make the odd pass), It's just the paucity of passing and the dreadful nature of entertainment that goes on in those many races between those do it or die passes.. Close races aren't the point at all BTW, It's whether you percieve the close race might then result in some passing entertainment or something like that...
  3. I concluded a long time ago that this must be some sort of internet masonic type greeting within the very weird LSSC community. Well either that or they're all certifiable crackpots! (no offence to the cracked pots society Big Al) or both! Mick.
  4. 1st heat pass was Thorsell taking Doyle and Woffinden who were clearly affected by their crash. 2nd heat pass was the level where the track works best.. that being NL level riders finding their way around the track and set up. Heat 3 onwards seemed as hopeless as BP ever was. Thank god it was £5 refundable viewing. I'm amazed there are people still looking for chinks of light in the value of BP as a speedway track or trying to dismiss the mass of complainants as having an agenda against DH or his role in Leicester Speedway. You honestly wouldn't be able make it up unless you weren't there and at least some people defending the 'tripe' were tonight eh.. Mick.
  5. a man with the same name would appear as part of Thomas Gollob's back up crew on his website, I'm guessing as his driver though my grasp of polish is admittedly non existent. Although a driver I would guess the close link to the Gollobs definately wouldn't rule him out being bydgoszcz's track man.
  6. You mean he looked like exactly what he is; a 16 year old Novice, just starting out in the sport who for all intents and purposes has been unfairly thrust into the elite league limelight before he's anywhere near ready for it!
  7. It certainly looks like it's going to be a long season on the Lions BSF threads as Leicesters very own verson of three wise monkeys (TMW, Weatherwatcher and the legendary Mrcts) constantly keep us all in mind of that classic Carry on Cleo one liner! So how was last night's meeting? anyone? what was the crowd like.. did we retain many of the 000's that (re)turned (up) for the ben fund.
  8. Was it a good meeting? I'm guessing it may have been better than normal as the weather conditions prevailant tonight usually give us the only meetings that do entertain. Re: the reserves. It was an interesting choice that even though leicester got one of the first, if not first, pick of the second reserves they picked what appeared on the face of it to be one of the/if not the weakest riders from the available list in Max Clegg. I'm not trying to do Max down as he may well come good but it's shows either a blind faith or lack of knowledge of the sport not to have seen that he is a different stage of his development to most the riders the Lions could have chosen. Looked a very odd choice although the reasoning may or may not have a relevance in that his mentor turned out to be the new Lions team manager. If it doesn't come together soon, and frankly it's looking pretty unlikely to, then it will be an interesting dynamic between a promoter who wants/needs success, a team manager and his protege as Lions regularly concede a reserve advantage of 10 + points a meeting to their opponents.
  9. As far as i'm aware towards the end of the previous season and in response to crowds dwindling Mr Hemsley gave out a questionaire about what improvements could be made to improve the experience of punters. This was to show that he really was listening to the crowds. Although, amazingly, altering the track wasn't mentioned on the questionaire there were enough responses who obviously made comment about the track being the main issue (all of them?) that it left him a little cornered. As such Glyn Taylor was given the task of altering his fantastically original track design, his pride and joy. However a get out option appeared just before these track changes were going to be made. Whilst experienced track curator and designer Glyn Taylor was at home in Australia, David Hemsey got co-promoter and experienced lorry driver Dave Darcy to alter the track over a couple of mornings and probably a couple of hundred quid. No one could really tell the difference (except i think for Tsunami) but no one could say changes weren't made. Jackpot. Do i win a prize. Mick.
  10. As opposed to, say, the track just being godawful.
  11. Got to say it. I must be either talking in riddles, a foreign language or i'm more illiterate than i thought... all acceptably plausible i'd be the first to agree. So I'll try one last time. I promise it will be last, irrespective of whether it's correctly understood or not. The point i was making was not specific to you Martin. It's a general observation as to the type of responses you hear whenever there is a disagreement or an issue rears it's head at BP an example easily plucked from this very thread (though i wouldn't for a minute describe this one as having come from the 'inner circle' and i have no idea who it's aimed at) .. 'What do you see Mick? And please dont say p***** off sponsors is one, because sometimes (unfortunately) sponsors forget that they are sponsors not owners or promoters and try to push the boundries in that regard. Also sometimes sponsors dont always provide what they said they will provide. In other words there is always at least two sides to the story and whilst DH has made mistakes...' anyways, enough of all this, that's gotta be me done for a while.. all the best, Mick.
  12. Two days having someone desperately trying to fall out with me when im basically agreeing with her had me wondering the same thing!
  13. again, i dont want to get into an argument, particularly when it appears to be more due to your assumption of what i say rather than being based on anything i actually do say. If you actually read what i say then you'd realise i rarely have a bad word to say about any individual outside of the promotion (see paragraph 2). Over the last week i think i've had good things to say about Martin Perkins and AFS, Mick Lowe's plumbing, Alan Jones and most of the riders we have signed and in this particular spat i said nothing other than to point out that the manner of Lionking's put down of Martin Perkins was not dissimilar to the cheap shots and defensive posts you tend to read on LSSC facebook site (and the reason, i guess, most of us are here rather than there) To sum up, just so we are clear. Here is what i don't like. A) The hopeless track B )the way the management treat some of the people who have given large amount of help and C) what, from an outsiders view such as myself, appears to be the rampant croneyism of certain elements of the back room staff in supporting the management, allowing them to continue with A) and B ) to the detriment of D). Oh, i forgot to say what D was.. D being the vast majority of Lions supporters past and present going by pretty much every Lions supporter i've ever spoken to (though as you would be quite right point out, not all!). all the best, Mick.
  14. Honestly don't doubt any of that tina, but within your reply maybe lies the problem as just sometimes that criticism may be deserved.
  15. You're right Tina. It probably isn't anyone's business, however, I'm not sure you understand the point im making anyway as I wasn't describing anyone.
  16. Not sure what this has got to do with anything but i did notice Hurricanes was checking out what was being said on the forum last night... coincidental?.. LOL Your dead right though Tina, the not inconsiderable help Leicester have recieved from the likes of AFS and Lowe's plumbing to name but a couple is something that should definately have been applauded and yet I never see a thing. We do, however, often hear from the inner circle that sponsors are overstepping the mark in wanting their bit of the Lions which is why they are no longer wanted or feted. It probably gives you a decent indication as to why most of the 'helpful' sponsorships appear to never pass the initial term. It seems this year may well be the year of Yes men, lets hope they get it right and most importantly there is enough of them.. Mick.
  17. Your missing the point Tina. It's Dave Howard and a fixture filler of a NL competition we're talking about, not Phil Morris and not even the NL. Lionking's post actually sounds like the kind of post you often see written by LSSC's self appointed oracle of knowledge Dave Howard (or one of his equally 'knowledgeable' cronies) on the LSSC site. LOL. Mick. (that LOL was irony BTW, see what i did Tina, LOL)
  18. It's the year of the yes men this year i think, maybe hurricanes can confirm..
  19. Isn't he acting as Max Cleggs manager or mechanic. A reputation for devisiveness that probably outshines even DH. Interesting to see who ends up in charge of who.. I'd give it a month!
  20. Have to say i don't think the team looks too bad on last years form. Doyle and Hougaard both look good around BP when they get in front. My worry would be that Hougaard and Stead appear to be two very different riders depending on confidence (i know injuries have probably played a big part in this) and Korneliussen & Doyle looked at the top of their powers last year. If, for any reason, these 4 fail to reach their peak levels this year and Llung doesn't improve on his previous stints over here (something i actually think he's capable of) then all of a sudden we don't look too good at all. I guess a lot will depend on how the heat format works out for the solid type of team Leicester have set themselves up to be. If the riders keep last years form then I'm quite looking forward to catching them away from BP.
  21. I'm surprised anyone would have guessed at any other outcome, you get to be on the telly! if it is true then it might make watching the pits more entertaining than watching the racing at BP.
  22. You're right fanmale. Maybe still being press officer he's also a tad bit too humble or embarrassed to put out that press release from the management that thanks him for all the good work he's put in as a promoter since Leicester came back..
  23. I have just had it pointed out to me that Alan Jones is no longer a promoter according to the official Leicester website. So It looks like it's now David Hemsley and Dave Darcy running the show. Any thoughts anyone?
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