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Everything posted by wandersome

  1. How many times BP has been on bet365 is bye the bye. The important thing that backroom staff such as yourself do not appear to grasp as you defend the indefensible, is how many times we have been on Sky Sports since we have become an Elite League club and the reason for 'all of those' appearances. Why would anyone talk to 'Dave'. Both the track and the management are an absolute laughing stock. You surely understand that.. just as you surely understand that it takes a lot to be the laughing stock of a sport that that is, in itself, a laughing stock of sports, but there you go.. harsh but true.
  2. Someone did point out to me the individual pound per point of the Leicester team awhile back. I'm guessing Lasse and a guest as opposed to Llung and Hougaard would probably be saving Leicester a whole heap if what i was told was true. Which then begs the question, does anyone know if the non appearance going forward of Hougaard and Llung is similar to reasons that we had the non appearances of Lasse, Kauko and Maggie late on last year?
  3. You come out with some strange logic at times when defending the entertainment on view at Leicester's track but this even defies most of that wobbly logic... I almost daren't ask it but... how so?
  4. anyone hear how the planning application decision went yesterday?
  5. You do get some peachy comments in the column. A couple of weeks ago he was saying if Jason Doyle carried on his current form he may end up another true Leicester sporting great like Gary Lineker, Martin Johnson and, oooh, i forget the other Leicester sporting great he mentioned.. can anyone remind me! Mick.
  6. I wasn't there but i hope Max did show some big improvement. How did our two look. It's all very well scoring well on your home track, but if you're only beating someone who is even more out of depth in this competition than Max (Ben Reade) and someone riding with a collarbone injury that meant he couldn't even beat Reade (Stefan Nielsen) it might not be quite the improvement it seems on the surface. I'm not trying to do their performances down but i do wonder if it needs putting into perspective to a degree.
  7. As you say Tina, I definately read on more than one thread that before he got the job, Norrie Allen was favourite for managers job due to his association with Max. If that is wrong then i hold my hands up to listening to what those fools on BSF say and taking it as gospel! My bad..
  8. I'm not sure if i've got some of the facts wrong here but as far i appear to have read the situation... given first pick of the second list (or something close to..) Leicester picks the lowest draft rider available, Max Clegg. Just so happens that Leicester's new manager Norrie Allen is also mentor of a certain Max Clegg. Sounds like the sort of gamble usually reserved for grannies betting on the grand national. Hero material. Unfortunately Max Clegg struggles to cope in a way most considered views had pointed would be case at the time the decision to pick him was made. Max Clegg loses whatever confidence he had. Leicester are knackered for the whole season with weak reserves thanks to this decision. Norrie Allen blames himself for picking the wrong reserves. Robin states 'holy sh*t'. Are Leicester dropping the right person? Mick.
  9. Heat 12. definately got within a couple of lengths of each other in that one. you know, i feel a pass coming on before the end of this meeting
  10. racing getting closer. Nick Morris definately looked like he was within 4 lengths of kylmakorpi in heat 5 Bet 365 could definately do with investing in a wider angle lens for these Leicester meetings... i'm only ever seeing one rider in the shot!
  11. For tracks still around I'd have agree wholeheartedly though i think we are both probably living in an 80's/90's timewarp to remember how good it was! Mick (and still not a patch on the best race track ever... Station Road) My uncle reckoned he went up to look the week before the season started and he didn't think they had moved anything. He thought they'd dug them up for repairs but couldn't see any evidence of change at all in the track or the siting of the drains. Not saying he wasn't mistaken though. At the ben fund meeting (the only one i been to this year) i certainly didn't see anything that remotely resembled an alteration to the track. If track changes had happened, however small, i'm also sure Glyn Taylor would have been on here to tell everyone exactly what had changed.
  12. We had this debate a hundred times but i think the point is the riders go too fast down the too long straights to turn hard enough on the too tight corners hence the need to have the track slick into the bends. Glyn has mentioned this many times on here. Slow down a little bit on the straights (and naturally then the corners), such as when it's been very wet to the point of a rain off and all of a sudden you get some good racing (see Ipswich meeting a couple of years ago). Unfortunately do this and all the riders want the meeting off. I know i'm banging the old drum but to slow down the riders enough to make the track more usable you don't neccessarily need to shorten straights at both ends. You could do it by shortening one end. That's coming from people in the know about track design and building who know these things, not me. I have been very reliably informed that this could be done in a couple of weeks for minimal outlay in pound notes (i know people have offered to cover this previously). Finally, it should be noted that the crap racing has been noted from the very 1st meeting. Glyn Taylor was talking about the need to change the track shape on here after just a couple of meetings of our return. We were told it was getting changed after both the end of the first season and the second season and we've had a third off season where everyone has been stating the obvious and yet nothing has changed again and you are here once more mentioning how we should wait until the end of the season to make changes. The management apologists have been repeating this mantra since day one and yet nothing at all has happened (except for the joke changes Dave Darcy made)despite previous promises that if we all wait 'til the close season it will. I've wasted fortunes on these false promises. All too late for the many who have given up on the rubbish.
  13. Did i say you work there? I fear you may be getting lost in the detail irrespectively !
  14. too many people 'living the dream' at leicester Speedway to allow the right decisions to be made. take out the pics of the riders from the weekly LSSC facebook photos and add in those posting on the Leicester facebook sites and you'll notice it's the same old few in the background.. They probably all think they are doing their best for Leicester speedway but i'm afraid they all look cuplable to me.
  15. David Hemsley has regularly mentioned that he didn't want a boring track like Somerset, Scunthorpe or Peterborough as they are all the same and he likes that his track is different to all others. (you might think i'm joking!)
  16. David Hemsley pegged it out. I was up there the day they were concreting in the posts for the fence and pretty much everyone on the job was taking the p*ss out of it even then... plenty of 'thats what he wants, we've told him but he's having none of it' type comments...
  17. I have to say Mrcts, not sure if this is some kind of satirical pisstake of a certain group of dissenters on this forum but either way it's absolutely spot on. Bizarre indeed. As offers to help with alterations have been consistently ignored on the basis that DH believes his track is as good as anywhere in the country, and no-one with any influence or input in the running of the place seems able or capable of changing that view for whatever reasons then i'd be inclined to hedge your bets on your gut feeling. It's shameful that all the pro hemsleyites on facebook consistently blame Glyn Taylor track prep for such poor racing rather than mention the unmentionable. oh well, you've got me at it again,, Mick.
  18. I'm guessing Sky TV are rushing to get the Elite Leagues newest track on the telly. I bet they can't wait... Anyone have any info when that's happening?
  19. You miss the point cb252. Long eye is much more than just your common or garden lowly speedway fan. He's part of the pit crew at Leicester for gawd sake. He knows important people who know stuff. This means he knows stuff you will never understand and gives him the insight into the sport so far in advance of you or I. I need to check but I think most of his 300 odd posts clearly show this.. erm.. you retard! Well, at least in one person's head I'm sure this would appear to be the case anyway!! Mick.
  20. Weren't Garrity's passes down to a mistake by Garrity. Not 100% as i watching on the little screen but it appeared he lost the length of the straight to end up behind both Llung and Perry in the matter of a lap only to re pass Perry as Perry appeared to lock up on the last bend. Mistakes again appeared to be the only way of passing all night although i, equally, may well have been mistaken as i wasn't there. Not sure i saw the pass in heat 14 unless you mean't the one that happened off the first bend Gemini. Not sure i quite see where the track is coming to Elite yet as David Hemsley professed would happen. We're into the season far enough that i would have thought fans are beginning to form an opinion on this, so what's the verdict so far?
  21. not sure that counts because it was Jason Garrity i had the bet with! i've seen some dreadful meetings at BP but just watching bet365 that looked possibly a match for the worst!! Mick (the Jason Garrity bit is a joke by the way)
  22. I got £20 on more than one pass all night.. heat 10 and it's not looking good for me.
  23. That's pee'd me off you saying that, wish i'd gone now. What with your impeccible track record of what constitutes a good meeting how could i doubt you. How many passes did i miss? 40?
  24. Without wanting to state the obvious but it might be a bit more popular if the joke track dimensions didn't produce such hopeless entertainment though. we've done this before, no?
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