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Everything posted by seanmuffe

  1. Only an hour and a quarter!!! Some tracks that seems to be the norm when the ambulance is in situ anywhere!!!!
  2. Is that correct,----- sorry :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Seriously though that would be a step in the right direction.
  3. .................................you will both be wrong it will rain ......................for a change. Comets are alive...................thats the key...........result doesnt matter does it Bruvs David..................
  4. ............thats only because you can say to everybody i'm been up Lois Lane.......................................i'll get my coat
  5. .........shouldn't criticise you because you put it correctly..........me i would have inserted t h & e into the statement...........give us a t..........alright i'm a forum fanny!!!!
  6. ...compared to most is not a measure i would use.... crap is crap... ....but that i think is class :approve: ...was his name Hoggart by any chance?
  7. You are right play offs are wonderful the League could never be won on a teams last meeting or the last meeting of the season bet thats never happened(or has it?.how boring!). The play offs ... gets a big crowd ....dont know figures but when Newcastle Edinburgh and Kings Lynn won the League or the meeting after, if away or someone lost and it wasnt actually on the night they rode, pretty sure it wouldnt have been the worse crowd of the season. You say on your table the final is arrived at after 28 qualifying matches well in Somersets case yes(and as an aside you have Newcastle second which again is quality as they weren't in the final) but if Worky had won at Edinburgh by the minimum 3 points(i agree unlikely but not impossible) the results would have been totally different. I far prefer another scenario if the referee(not a criticism didnt have a hope in hell of spotting it on the second bend) had seen a picture(on this forum so must be genuine) showing Lawson overtaking Cook and he had been disqualified for crossing the white line ,the way it panned out Edinburgh (barring falls etc )would have won and may have secured a maximum home win would have seen them qualify & on your table with i believe less than 50 points and could then go on to beat Somerset(unlikely but not impossible) and win the title from 5th or Workington win it from 4th. Is that credible the slightest twist and who knows it might have turned out that way and people wouldnt have praising them wholeheartedly either. This is not about pro Newcastle anti Scunthorpe pro Edinburgh anti Workington or even me underestimating the fact that the Rebels would have been in the driving seat without the Scorpions. We have 3 competitions the League Cup although the minor of the 3 was diminished even further by pushing League fixtures to enable the play offs ending up with an invented rule to sort one of the finalists as dates werent possible. Not sure play offs undermine the league itself by making a knock out competition out of it.......it has often argued the luck of the Cup and not always the best team wins BUT THAT should be the case over the 26 league match campaign. What you are correct in saying these were the rules at the start of the season and the record books for evermore will show Premier League Champions 2012 SCUNTHORPE SCORPIONS and nothing will alter that. Sadly you will have your way the play offs will stay and you will say crawl back in your Ark from whence you came but what the powers that be need to take on board is there are a quite few Arks sailing away from speedway which is fine as we are a load of old farts that dont matter and are of no consequence. But not so sure the younger ones are now using speedboats but i look forward to their radical solution of the ebbing crowds.
  8. meant the cold Not sure i understand that ........& if i guess right too much information
  9. Careful there are those on here who could see that as an attack on the Butcher .....brave man.
  10. congratulations you now know what a sarcastic sod i am. Having said that was expecting to hook a Heathen!!!.
  11. £15-50 x 2 ,prog £2-50 x 2 =£36 doesnt it ? Have you got one of those Groupon Bargains or are you really one of Chris' favourites!!!!!!
  12. Both sides are so busy pointing fingers at each other that they all miss the point. Cant see the problem, the referee enlists the help of a reknown summariser with expertise in analysing footage to enable him to come to the correct decision. as a footnote i feel sorry for Mr Louis because when Sky Sports finds out he has been freelancing for BBC West Midlands he could find out he is in another pile of doo doo
  13. .....come on you cant let a defeat get in the way if theres a chance of a snog.................can you
  14. Nice to see you are still alive been on holiday? ....Hope you didnt go with Snacky.......
  15. Not taking the piss Shadders but goldfish instead of cod is a price rise as well..............isnt it. Wasnt there a price rise in the chip shop at the start of the season as well. Bilko is the word.......!!!
  16. ...........still can all the promoters at the side of the bonfire on 5th November...............what should happen next???
  17. agree let the burgerman and the chip shop owner sort it out .
  18. http://www.thestar.co.uk/sport/speedway/tigers-season-could-be-over-1-5036598
  19. was he at Doncaster at the same time as well? Think it was because riders couldnt be arsed to stay for 2nd half they would rather go abroad to earn...wouldnt happen now !!!!!!! They came up with reason to replace the original!!!!!!!!!
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