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Everything posted by seanmuffe

  1. Even allowing for the wink that should get a Cumbrian response
  2. Fantastic sport Shouldn't this be on Worky thread. Friday fixtures that were removed surely worth a separate thread? Why have all been reinstated except Workington? Of course if?.. all with conspiracy theories are right they can now be reinstated as someone's worralls are now over
  3. you fell for that as well..........haven't you noticed when you miss a meeting how often they say you missed a good one!! That's because they lost a lot of punters...............frostbite.....terrible end
  4. No place for you in Speedway far too sensible ...............agree done job so that wont happen will it
  5. Must be going to happen then if they are selling season tickets! Couldn't really expect the Grand opening meeting to be included in the season ticket.
  6. Clever that's the Witches 7 I spotted your clever disguise of Hilton and Louis.
  7. With an absent Number 1 or aren't we signing Danny that should boost the crowd............glad you mentioned Len we could nick his advert Make it a date No one at eight.
  8. Look a natural what?.......................just asking
  9. Must have missed it when BSPA gave thought to the fans. I wouldn't bet on that.
  10. You will do very well to find no rollers, no lets stay down for a rerun brigade , bad fans ,promoters ,announcers ........sadly they are evident everywhere but the saving graces is most fans are genuine despite being loyal to their team. Come on you two return to your lovey dovey ways and kiss and make up. With Due Regard to both of you.........................did he ride for Eastbourne?
  11. reasonable crowd !!!!! it will be enormous its the play offs the panacea for all that's wrong with speedway.
  12. Had it on good authority that the BBC are planning an "unreality show" sometime after Easter 2015 for early Sunday evenings. It will be called the "BSPA shows common sense" so rumours that a switch to a Sunday evening would appear unlikely as there is no way Mr Silver would be influenced by anything as menial as a TV broadcast. Less flippantly I do fear for the future of Rye House and the sport in general..............I do hope I am wrong.
  13. From the first comment I assumed you had a problem! ............then you said that got it in one!
  14. Sounds like an April fool or indeed speedway, we have the event but no circuit so lets move it to another country,. Having said that I suspect our friend Humphrey is spot on with his assumption I also hope someone does look at it however remote a possibility it would appear to be.
  15. .............what run out of fish already!! Don't mean to be rude but the ows updated you really do ask for far too much.
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