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Everything posted by Weeyin

  1. They have restricted numbers in the stand, and 1200 is good numbers for us, considering before the takeover by Facenna 's we were probably averaging about 4-500 per meeting, we have had slow but steady increase in numbers since then, problem is that Glasgow has so much more to offer entertainment wise, and football is huge in Glasgow with Celtic and Rangers
  2. Both Poole and Glasgow are big clubs, Poole have been successful for a long time, Glasgow are making strides, year on year, considering where we were at when the Facenna's took over, that is a major achievement in a short time, starting from a dump of a stadium and very few assets.
  3. 5.00 assessed but will change after 1 match ( I think) he is 1 away meeting short of a proper average
  4. The reduction is 2.5% but the greensheet averages on the bspa site are not the final ones, they still have to take out eastbourne matches, all promotions have the official gsa, we are just left in the dark
  5. Glasgow team is all signed, promotion like to release names over a few weeks
  6. Good grief, you are a very very bitter man
  7. Basso is the real deal, I don't expect any disappointment from Glasgow fans
  8. Once he gets dialled in , he will be dynamite
  9. The problem last season was the Colts rode on a Friday, ruling Connor out
  10. Connor rides on a British passport and wants to ride for GB in the future
  11. Its been protected in the championship for a few years, even before rising stars
  12. Just because Ipswich named him first , does not necessarily mean they signed him first, they may have but only the promotions know the date contract has been signed
  13. Yeah he does get away with it, which really annoys me, but commentators have started to notice so maybe the refs will too
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