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Weeyin last won the day on June 1 2014

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    Glasgow Tigers

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  1. Vinnie's girlfriend is one of the Glasgow volunteers
  2. Well done Workington on your 1st season back in championship, lovely set up there, you had a team with a few unknowns and coped well, to make the play offs was an astounding result and you may have gotten further if you had your full team without injuries. Hopefully you can get back some of the Derwent park fans and continue to do well next season. Believe it or not a lot of Glasgow fans were supporting you to do well, shame that there are 1 or 2 Workington fans dislike us, but for the most part you are a friendly lot. You have Steve Lawson who is very well thought off at Glasgow, you also have my fave rider Craig Cook and Claus is also loved by Glasgow fans. I look forward to some friendly rivalry next season.
  3. Would love them at Glasgow, but would they like the travel
  4. Probably but with Bomber, he has expressed that he wants to stay with Glasgow until he retires, loves the track, can't see him not at Glasgow
  5. So, why does the official green sheet averages have him as a 4 when he started at 2
  6. We certainly hope he is in a competitive team next year too, this year has been a massive disappointment, Chris has held the team together and won us matches that we didn't deserve to win. We have finished our season below the starting average of 38 and that takes some doing. The positive is that despite all the travelling Chris would love to stay at Glasgow until he retires as he loves the track, so hopefully that will work out as he is a joy to watch especially when he doesn't gate.
  7. Comets are through even if you lose, congratulations, alot of tigers fanswish you well, despite your hatred of us
  8. King sustained a foot injury at Oxford v Redcar and Jenkins a scaphoid injury in same match
  9. Poole supporters hijack everyones thread
  10. And his real average is likely to be even lower than 4
  11. That is how bad we are this season
  12. That will be a disaster, how can someone so good on the continent look like a novice here, he backs off in first bend if anyone is near him, and if he gates, rides all the wrong lines and gets passed
  13. If that is the case then still not worth a 4, can't even beat reserves , can gate but then rides all the wrong lines
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