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  1. Tim Stone at Newport, turned his dream into reality, backed with his own monies, and during hard times was stacking shelves in the local supermarket to help keep the whole thing afloat, the financial constraints mean't the club was always going to struggle to be in the top half of the table, but speedway every year in one or two leagues guaranteed, sadly with his demise the new Newport promoters showed how it should not be done, and it was gone in a flash ( or a fire if you prefer ) If you have a couple of minutes read the link below and see the measure of the man Tim Stone – Methanol Press
  2. Speedway: Not guilty says Tigers star in punch-up row. - Free Online Library (thefreelibrary.com) It did not quite look to me to be as the quote from Will Beveridge gives above, Courtney came off on his own in a tight 2nd bend, Linqvist never touched him, still sitting on his bike awaiting the re-run Beveridge launched himself at Emil, knocking off his bike and dislocating his shoulder, so he could not go in the re-run, then mechanics, team managers all had a bit of a scrap on the track . Also saw the lesser of the 3 Karlsson brothers have a heated discussion with the start marshal over the marshal trying to move him over, eventually moved, made a bad start, came last, then returned to the start marshal and had a punch up with him at the tapes after the race had finished !
  3. Like Billy Joel and Shaggy on this one !
  4. Fire today, transport hub tomorrow. Newport Queensway Meadows all over again !
  5. The Patterson collection auction catalogue now on line memorabillia An Extraordinary Private Collection of Over 100 Speedwa... (05 Jul 24) (hjpugh.com) Bikes An Extraordinary Private Collection of Over 100 Speedwa... (05 Jul 24) (hjpugh.com)
  6. Makes as much sense as swapping Tate Zische for Carl Stonehewer
  7. some would have come on here and said he doesnt know what he is doing putting Matt Perry in the race. I wouldn't put Matt Perry in any race ! David Scwimmer might be a better bet, at least he is still alive
  8. Some H & S things were a good move, ball end levers, dirt deflectors, folding footrests/kickstarts ( MX). throttle cut-outs , ambulance cover, drug tests to name but a few .
  9. "Thanks for your opinion. Now clear off you absolute nonce" Joey Barton v Jeremy Vine case springs to mind ?
  10. That will be the oole track then
  11. I have just come back from HJ Pugh's auction house in Ledbury, they have a sale on the 5th July from one collection which features over 100+ museum quality speedway/grasstrack bikes including 2 James V twins, 2 Alloy Pinfolds Pinfold Alloy Special Speedway (cybermotorcycle.com), OEC, Norton ,Erskine, Rotrax, Cotton ,Excelsior, Rudge Indian etc etc as well as over 100 speedway bibs, push bikes and speedway memorabillia, the stuff is already at their auction house ,but will not be on line for a while OLD TIME SPEEDWAY | Sad to read that Ian Paterson's Speedway Collection | Facebook
  12. My bad. thought it was a lot different to what was broadcast this morning, which was basically a moaning piece NT doing a Steve Mallet doom and gloom piece, along the lines of "use it or you lose it "
  13. BBC midlands news this morning, small piece about Birmingham speedway, it could have been a good advert for the club and to let people know about it with some enthusiasm for the sport ? No! it was a warning by Nigel Tolley if the crowds do not turn up, then speedway will not be sustainable and will disappear from Birmingham , this before a home match has even been staged, pessimistically expecting a poor turn out it would seem ? Full article from last night was a bit better BBC One - Midlands Today, Evening News, 24/03/2022, Brummies banking on speedway fans' backing
  14. Heard it all before ,Rogers/Mallet/Newport, how did all that end, spent a fortune on super team ( Doyle/Gjedde etc.) won KO cup, over spent, expected crowds to increase, they did not, how did that end ? Steve Mallett “To have only 401 for a meeting with our nearest rivals was a huge disappointment and people must realise that we, and I include all my family, cannot go on losing any more money.” 16th September Steve Mallett “We have been advised time and again that speedway fans will only turn up en-mass to follow a winning side, so we dug deep into our financial pot and produced one which has won 13 and drawn another in its last 17 league and cup fixtures. But crowd sizes remain below what they should be and we really have reached the stage now that it’s make or break for local speedway followers. I really am urging fans who occasionally to come to watch to unite in a show of strength for Saturday night, without doubt the biggest meeting in our time here.”
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