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Everything posted by Villain

  1. Just thought I'd pop over to take a look at the current state of affairs on here after a long hiatus. This place never fails to mystify myself and a number of my colleagues who no longer post. Here we have a saint of a man in Nigel Tolley who is prepared to go to extraordinary lengths in his attempts to keep our beloved sport alive in the second city and all that the majority on here can do is belittle his attempts, rubbish his decisions and generally decry him. I know its not everyone but there seems to be scant genuine support for him. He is assisting the rest of the UK speedway world in trying to bolster the flailing Premiership. Its all very well Sheffield trying to buy the title by grabbing the big guns before anyone else can get them but what are they actually achieving in finishing top of a 6 team pile, particularly if a couple of those teams are relatively weak and fail to see out the season. Once again it seems that the powers that be can see no further than their collective noses. I dont know why anyone bothers to pump their hard earned cash into these ventures, one can only hope that Nigel and others like him do not bother to read the bile that exudes from this site.
  2. Time taken using thought process to decide to compose this drivel = 5 seconds, Actual time taken to work out the figures = 3 hours Time taken by me to read this tripe = approx 30 seconds of my life - wasted. Thanks for your effort. Up the Brummies!!
  3. Oh no! Don't tell me that Drury is back in charge.
  4. Miss Piggy and friends regularly visit the 4th bend at Perry Barr.
  5. Excellent stuff lycra but there are limits.
  6. Christ - how wide are the grids.!! ?
  7. Come on then. Lets see who guesses the 'exciting news' correctly. I'll start it off. Graham Drury to return as team manager? - Cradley beauty queens to be banned from the fourth bend stand? New centre green announcer
  8. Well oil be buggered if I'm gonna read any more of this tripe. I'm off to get meself well and truly lubricated. Lets just slap a big fine on 'em for being Poole - that's a good enough reason on its own. Oh and please do us all a favour and ban Starman for being brain dead.
  9. Haven't been following the Cradley circus this season, just wondered if there are any rules governing how their team can be made up.
  10. Dan Gilkes was very impressive this afternoon, however we spoke to him in the pits and he isn't committing himself to the sport full time until he has completed his education. I do hope that David Mason keeps tags on him as he really looked the part.
  11. Farcical - but don't expect anything more from the muppets that run the show.
  12. And the biggest of village idiots.
  13. That's very true, but he never fails to provide some amusement. There's always another gem just around the corner.
  14. Hahaha. What an absolute classic. Never fails to amuse. Is this Joey Essex in disguise?
  15. All this thread needs is a bit of fruitcake. Starman where are you?
  16. Hi folks, I'm trying to obtain a copy of the prog for the meeting between the Young Stars and Brum for 11/5/16. If anyone has a spare could you please let me know. Many thanks, CJ.
  17. Well done you for explaining your background, although what that has to do with it Christ only knows. You clearly did not understand UK Martins response. I suggest that you read it again, then if you still don't understand maybe someone on here will find the time to explain to you in more detail.
  18. This is great news. Always enjoy my visits to Coypool Rd. I was on holiday in the South Hams last weekend and had pencilled in another visit to see the Devils v Rebels. When the news broke that the plug had been pulled I was absolutely gutted. (the meeting wouldn't have gone ahead anyway due to the sh1te weather). It's a bit of a jaunt from Brum for a regular fix, but I'll definitely be down for a couple of visits later in the season. Chuffed to bits for all you Devils fans.
  19. Zach W becomes a Lakeside asset! This sport gets no more of my hard earned cash. I'm out.
  20. I now have this prog in my collection. Many thanks to arnieg.
  21. Hi, Is there anyone out there who has a copy of the Buxton v Birmingham program from last season that they are willing to sell? Thanks in advance.
  22. Darryl Ritchings confirmed signing for Brum - not sure of his average.
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