Sorry i am new , just finding my way around here ,not lazy but i only have a little time i can spare due to the nature of my work .I Really do find it interesting that people can live on here & invent & wind each other up to get a reaction ..ITS BRILLIANT !!!
Good Afternoon Steve ,i asked a question yesterday & nobody had a definate answer . When Coventry walked , stormed , whatever out of the AGM who actually was in attendance on the Bees behalf . I was told Mr Sandhu but he is not the promoter so how could he have been there ? Please help with the facts . Thanks
Mr Sandhu is not the Coventry promoter he's a businessman looking at the situation from a business point of view .If he thinks his business will suffer through the new rules he has to make a protest .Walking out of any meeting is not the correct way at all .If Mr Sandhu is not a promoter though why was he at the AGM ?
Thats the bottom line .. It will be sorted ,from which ever club you support the final outcome will be spun to suit your argument . The BSPA will not lose face nor will Coventry . IF Pawlicki is a 5pt rider " for the good of the sport we have reached a COMPROMISE " . Wait & See ..........I Can see it now !!!!!!!!
First of all the points limit of 40. Coventry unhappy. Then the Larsen conversion change between leagues. Coventry fuming. Then the Pawlicki from 4 assesed to 6.18. Coventry steaming. Then only one rider above 8. Coventry blow a gasket and storm out.
I think Steve has hit the nail on the head here in this simple easy to understand post . There does seem to be a little bit of " lets have a go at Coventry " doesn't there . Perhaps us rival supporters can see through it now ..Thanks mate ..MY EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED !!