Simply explained - if they are going to have to buy Batchelor (BSPA ruling apparantly?!)they won't be able to afford to buy Hans, so 2nd offer quickly withdrawn!!
Thought it was always owned by Spedeworth and Ipswich Speedway rented/leased it from them?! Thats why there were/are always conditions on how many meetings per week and on what night etc??!!
Actually it was a SCB decision and Adrian's decision to only do til end May/early June. Poole wanted him to stay longer as KK was only originally on standby to cover for Ward if he became unavailable!!
I agree, I think its about the new European fixtures - but surely thats only for 3 maybe 4 weeks of the season?! There's only 6 teams in it after all - hardly a replacement for the GPs and will probably replace some EL/PL meetings!?
OK for Swindon and Poole followers of course.