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Everything posted by Duane

  1. Hey racefans, the streams for the meetings at North Brisbane/Darcy Ward Speedway promotions https://livestream-australia-pty-ltd.cleeng.com/2023-australian-speedway-championship-round-4-final/E476149533_AU https://livestream-australia-pty-ltd.cleeng.com/darcy-ward-invitational/
  2. I have a suspicion that if Tappy is doing the Brisbane round, the TV deal may have fallen over.
  3. Wonder who the wild card will be in Kurri Kurri? I’m guessing Ryan Douglas to be the WC at North Brisbane..or Declan Keneddy if Ryan isn’t.. should be a great series to watch.
  4. David Tapp is covering the last round of the Aussie’s & the DW invitational meeting.
  5. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02jhqwm8jZEsbpKcqgR9QBgxmpQLSqGkHQGh3WkqLFYrywQToriBpt9nxMbwB57Mh9l&id=100064561669530&mibextid=qC1gEa
  6. Tate's msg to me, Hey m8, don't remember much of last night, I was knocked out for awhile & had 2 siezures at the track, few weeks off & I'll be right.
  7. NSW titles at kurri kurri on Saturday, 1st Jack Holder, 2nd Chris Holder, 3rd Rohan Tungate 4th Sam Masters. Keynan Rew walked out of hospital & went home on Saturday night. Couple of small fractures in his neck & back (that's from his mechanic/sponsor) & cordell is fine, bit of a battering( that's from cordell)..
  8. Cordell is fine, bit of a battering & sore & 1 dead bike. Bit of a rest & he says he’ll be good to go.
  9. I could be wrong, but, it’s an old track & has different rules requirements, except for big meetings where air fence is a must. Darcy’s dad George, who now owns Pioneer Park speedway up here(north Queensland) has to have a air fence as it’s classed as a new track even though it’s 50 years old, as it closed down for a few years & it’s concrete..
  10. Turn 1 & 2 is plastic bottles in big bags & turn 3& 4 is plywood fence with posts behind it every couple of metres.. I’m led to believe they will have an air fence in place for the Aussie round & the DW invitational in which woofy is riding. The timber fence does go around the whole long track, but not T 1 & 2 for speedway.
  11. It’s a great line up, couple of boys didn’t nominate.. there’s 9 that could win it..
  12. Aussie's, 1st Semi 1st Max, 2nd Tate, 3rd Pearson. Young Tate led Max for 3laps, Jamo didn't ride semi, injured I think, big get off in his last race.. 2nd Semi 1st Sedgy, 2nd Rew, 3rd Bowes, 4th Z cook. Final soon.
  13. I’m led to believe the 5 round Aussie titles, won’t be live-streamed as there is a deal in place with SBS tv over here to do a 1 hour show per round. This meeting & the next 1 in December which will feature Woofy will/should be streamed.. apparently!!
  14. Declan is to busy playing computer games! He can definately ride, given his big brother a few lessons this year that's for sure..
  15. Need him to do a meeting at Kurri Kurri track & see how he goes as they’re very similar in size.
  16. Young Rewy in the Aussie U21 final last Saturday night. https://fb.watch/ha8OQsf6ho/?mibextid=qC1gEa
  17. Oh very good. We thought 2nd, then they said Jack was 2nd.. either way, Ryan was flying…
  18. Actually Ryan finished 3rd, we thought he came 2nd but Jack got him on the run to the line.
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