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Everything posted by Bash

  1. Lucky you are not in charge of the enquiry and someone impartial is then, as even an ex-referee in Graham Reeve said the video evidence is not clear in his opinion.
  2. Interesting bit in the Speedway Star today about the incident. Graham Reeve of the SCB said "It is not clear, in my opinion, during viewing of exactly how the incident happened. As Peter Clarke had interviewed Tungate at length during the meeting, I am asking Peter to tell me if the video footage confirms or contradicts what Tungate answered to the referee. The answers to that will determine whether the SCB takes further action." So it 's down to what Peter Clarke thinks now. You won't get a video of that unless it was filmed by an Ipswich supporter as it would probably condemn Wilko. I have asked a couple of times for footage and none has come to light. You would think the person that supplied the other footage would've filmed the whole meeting but who knows.
  3. I thought you lived in Essex at the moment and didn't get to many Monarch's home matches. Anyway can you please answer the question do you think Tungate deserves anymore punishment than Masters and if so why?
  4. You keep saying the above, but people are comparing the two incidents. Lots of fans are calling for Tungate to get a ban, but Masters didn't get one when he knocked Bjerre off and then went back and started a fight with him. So if both riders got a fine on the night and both not chucked out of the meeting, why should Tungate get a ban.
  5. Can you stay at home and watch Eastenders then and Gino might stay on his bike.
  6. And both of them got fined at the meeting, which should be the end of the matter. He must have learnt to attack from behind like the cowardly Cook punching Barker in the back of the head.
  7. Well if Chris should "feel partly responsible for bringing this exciting match into disrepute", you can add your promoter into that bracket for the sit in. Can you see into the future as well, how do you know what the outcome of the meeting would've been if this didn't happen. Not once did he mention that the crowd was angry because you lost.
  8. So he gets knocked off by Auty and that's his own fault. Really, that's your opinion, thank god you're not a ref there would be sit in's every week.
  9. Because some of your own fans admitted he should've been excluded for taking Tungate out. The ref should've excluded Auty because it was not first bend bunching as it happened coming out of second bend and shouldn't be all four back.
  10. I think from the video that Ash got some drive and his front wheel lifted so if his foot came up it was from this. How many riders do you see with their feet coming off the footpeg when their front wheel gets airborne. As I said before in this thread riders that close together going over the line often clash and one comes down. Racing incident and nothing more. Still waiting for the footage of the Wilkinson incident or the sit in, or don't the Scunthorpe fans want to incriminate their own riders & promoter.
  11. Agree Rohan didn't slow down & speed up again, he kept the throttle on to stay out of Davies way. I don't see what Ashley Morris did wrong in heat 14, where was the foot at Lunna's head. If they clashed after the line that happens, as they both crossed the line close together. Must admit there was some nice choice language from the people around you, good example for the kids. Have you got the footage of the Wilkinson incident or the sit in?
  12. And that is where you get two sides of the story and who is telling the truth. Scunthorpe saying one thing and Ipswich another. The only person who can answer this is the referee and I bet he doesn't post on here. One thing for certain is that Scunthorpe will defend their side and Ipswich their side of the story, same as some posters on here.
  13. Notice the Scunthorpe report doesn't condemn any of their riders for actions in other races, surprise, surprise. If there isn't any video evidence I don't see how any action can be taken as it will be one sides versions against another and they are always going to be different. I don't think the action of the Scunthorpe promoter help either. If he was not happy he should have just lodged his protest and let the meeting continue as we all know a referee never changes his decision.
  14. No excuses for what Rohan did but what actually happened in the first running of the race as the update site said Auty dodged a bullet. From this I take that Auty knocked Rohan off and should've been excluded. Sounds like the meeting got quite feisty with Morris & Lunna coming to blows.
  15. I think Ipswich will be lucky to get a point, I hope I'm wrong and they get more but I can't see it happening. It's not been a very productive track for us in the past.
  16. I think you're right if you add another panel it would make track too narrow exiting the bend and would probably suck more riders in.
  17. I sit in the home straight stand right on the start line and Gino just missed beating Richie to the line. Ref got it right. Morris just got a perfect start in heat 14, surprised ref didn't call it back as they usually do even if riders don't move so again good decision. See the real Cookstar turned up tonight, shame he didn't bring his 600cc machine when he guested for us!! The Ipswich riders all go on about what good team spirit there is at the moment so what happened to that in heat 12 with no-one rushing out with a bike for Stefan when he had a minute remaining of the two minutes, pretty poor. As I've said before with our home form we won't make the play-offs, now only taken 11 out of a total of 24 points at home. We have only beaten Redcar, Plymouth and a weakened Rye House at home, not good enough!
  18. I think I would rather be in group B.
  19. I wouldn't bother coming then you might as well stay in and watch eastenders.
  20. C'mon Bruv, did the sun affect you last night , the race you were talking about was with Ashley Morris not Stefan , and agree he should've been given an extra ride in heat 14. Maassen doesn't seemed to have improved from a couple of years ago and would probably struggle in the national league.
  21. Heard last night it was Nike Lunna, but we'll have to wait for official confirmation.
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