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  • Birthday 10/18/1969

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    3D CAD Co-Ordinator

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    Speedway, MotoGP, Football
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  1. No you just pay lawyers to get your own way with Robert Lambert a few seasons ago. ££££££
  2. But we wouldn't be 0.49 under the limit when you take away the 2.5% reductions for the british riders and the 25% reduction for Dan Thompson.
  3. So you would be happy for Ipswich to keep the same team but be well under the points limit. Teams change every year to fit below the points limit. Rules are rules, all teams have a choice what they do to fit to the points limit. So if the rumours on here are true and BV drop Mulford when Cairns becomes 16 is that not by choice?
  4. That's why I wouldn't pair them together as Danny does the same with regards to 'race' team mates. Can't team ride!
  5. If Rew doesn't ride for us next season hopefully he won't ride for anyone else and do what Lidsey did with BV and come back to us as a trump card another season
  6. He was only at rising star for April & September this season and held his own so don't see a problem.
  7. Haven't they got any of these miracle track covers
  8. That's because he learnt on the small Eastbourne track.
  9. Don’t think he will after the comments from the Ipswich management last week. Didn’t you say this at the end of last season as well!!
  10. I would think that Musielak would come into the equation if Emil doesn’t come back, but why wouldn’t he if as expected he won’t be in the gps again
  11. And that is it consistency in decisions. Like you said Fricke lifted out of control and she didn’t exclude him whereas Rew was in control and did nothing wrong.
  12. That is why a lot of fans didn’t want him in the team this season, we need riders who are going to improve and you just admitted he isn’t going to get better.
  13. If this was a football match she would be investigated for match fixing and locked up
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