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    bad ass gansta rap
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    pro urine extractor

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    never never land

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  1. Whacko


    gotta agree with "the stripe"
  2. Whacko


    too many old ppl go to speedway. maybes that is why concessions are being cut? we will have to wait and see what happens.
  3. who is chris holder? already better than schlien - this guy has proved he can average 9 in the PL - something schlien has never achieved
  4. Bryn us newcastle fans would love to know who jacko stevens is?!
  5. sounds like Watto is preparing to ride for the Diamonds, he has already learned from the great words of george english. ...if only middlo was newcastle's team manager
  6. So is watto enjoying his time at george english's australian mansion? he will do a fine job at no5 for the diamonds in 2005.
  7. classical carl stonehewer workington captain comet supremo what a great team man
  8. Its about time george english got some recognition for his work for speedway and naming a GP after him is just dandy
  9. Gp at le stade de brough on the cards anyone?
  10. All RIchard Juul Regards Michael Jackson heehee
  11. yes full credit to Newcastle Speedway for this revelation.
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