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Ray Stadia

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Everything posted by Ray Stadia

  1. I agree, Grasstrack should be considered as an amateur training ground for Speedway, especially at centre level. National and international level is different, however, purist Speedway fans will cock a snoot at Grasstrack. The connection with Grasstrack and Speedway in the 60's and 70's was strong, when Speedway flourished. Many riders doubled up in both disciplines, but not so much now. And hey ho, both are struggling. A common denominator I think.
  2. Didn't invite us to the p155 up did they ch958! LOL! I too, do not really understand the post, started to, then lost the plot! LOL!
  3. I reckon Slough Speedway will be running, before even the foundations are laid!
  4. Kerry Gray! Thanks Mike, that's the chap!
  5. I have a feeling this is a type of Grass Track in Australia. There was a rider who came over from Aus, circa 1983, I think his name was something Gray (possibly Chris?) and he excelled at this particular discipline. I believe he may have had some outings with Rye House?
  6. We used to get a lot of raw talent via Grass Track many years ago, but the sport, like Speedway, is dying. Many British Speedway riders from the past started out riding Grass Track and many continued to do both. I am sure I am right in saying that Speedway promoters would only look at a good Grass Track rider if and when the rider decided to take to a promoter's training day. Promoters should be out there watching the Grass Tracks at centre level and scout for the raw talent. In addition, encourage motorcycle clubs to put on Grass Track events. Britain is starved of Grass Track events as clubs are more focused on MX and Trials. If there were more local centre Grass Track events, youngsters, boys and girls, would compete and some, become the stars of tomorrow, both on Grass Track and Speedway.
  7. When the promoters have their AGM, have they ever, in the past, invited certain well informed fans to attend? I am certainly not putting myself forward, as I am in no way qualified enough, but certain fans on here appear to be in that category. If there has never been a fan representation at the annual meetings, would it be a good idea?
  8. But there you are, in the days of Peter Collins and all his riding brothers, we had so many British born riders, home grown, riders who rode in Britain year in year out. With so many foreign riders in both the major leagues, there are so few good riders who are British. The promoters really do need to look at the bigger picture, but I am afraid they won't.
  9. As I have said in an earlier post on this thread, unless the engine is a single cylinder engine, burning methanol, ideally lubricated by castor oil and linked up to a counter shaft, many will say 'it isn't speedway'. I can understand that view and hold it too, to some degree. However, we all agree that we wouldlike to see speedway survive into the future and cost control will help achieve that. The MX engine idea is clearly creating a barrier. MX engines have been used successfully for many years in Grass track, but Grass Track has a history of using whatever you can get into a Grass Track frame. Speedway for many years has never had that legacy. The engines have always been specifically manufactured for speedway. Yes, in the pioneering days you would see all sorts of engines on the track. Therefore, for F2 to be successful and I think it could and should be, the bike/engines on offer need to resemble first class machinery, but on a budget basis. Whether that means GM/JRM producing budget versions or sourcing a manufacturer to produce an engine which is cheaper to buy and service. Maybe see what China has to offer? Russia? And perhaps the Royal Enfield people in India, they are used to producing single cylinder engines without gearboxes, although I believe their latest Bullet is a unit engine.
  10. Interestingly, there's the rub, I don't think the average speedway supporter is that worried about the track facilities, they just want good racing, good track surface and value for money! Tarted up stadiums do not automatically provide what I have mentioned.
  11. I hope this is now working, had some trouble yesterday! Like TWK said, I truly hope there are no casualties. It is that time of year when we hold our breath though. Although the economic client is still not good and gates are still not good, I thought speedway was perhaps a little firmer, but maybe I am wrong. I haven't heard any rumours.
  12. This isnt Ray now.... Sorry ray just adding to your post to see if this helps - does it look as if I have done anything different to what you did? Can you edit this? Sending you pm so you know Ive done it!
  13. Personally, in terms of looks, a clean/polished pair of chrome rims under the lights look the dogs cobblers! But all the weight from steel rims, would mean the bike would be a plodder!
  14. Therefore, BAGS subsidises the entry fee. Parlsoes suggested that Saturday night was rammed and the entry fee, as per above, is £7. Does this mean and an old chestnut I know, that if speedway were to lower the entry price, the terraces would be more healthy? Probably with rider demands on what they want, I doubt whether £7 per meeting could be achieved. I wonder what children are charged? I would imagine they enter for free.
  15. If from the above post you are saying Romford is successful and Wimbledon isn't, as a dog venue, why should that be? Is it because 'Essex man' is more of a dog fan than 'South West London man'? Or is the Romford venue, better run/promoted and offers more palatial surroundings?
  16. At the end of the day, you are dealing with the lower end of speedway. Sure, it would be difficult to regulate and restrict the top end of speedway, but those starting out and NL riders can be regulated. You can insist the riders and their fathers adhere to a restriction on engine tuning and special internal parts. If need be, do random dyno testing, whatever it takes. But if you can't control the bottom end (excuse the pun) you have no chance of controlling the top end.
  17. Depends what you call 'pootling around'. A Jawa/GM will last longer on grass track, as it is a different discipline, but would not accuse grass trackers of 'pootling'. And MotoX is different as the bike is running for a far longer period of time. Yes much of that time the revs are not on the limit, but a wet meeting or a sand track and the revs will be up. However, unless Honda/Kawasaki/Yamaha or whoever, are onside and willing to supply just engines without complications, it is unlikely to work. It would be more 'healthy' if GM/Jawa and the tuners produced a proper budget 'trainer/NL' version of their engines.
  18. Sounds like many of the ones mentioned might now be dead! However, Rye House is in Herts and the one time Milton Keynes track in Bucks. To my knowledge, Beds has never had a track, certainly not in the fairly recent time. I wonder why? I reckon there have been plenty of riders in the past based in Bucks during the MK days and Herts with Rye House, surely? Herts used to have a great grasstrack in Ware, but was stopped due to roman ruins underneath, as I recall.
  19. Not sure if the above is a pop at me, but my tyre question is not taking the p155. Genuinely, if wet weather tyres are used in other motor sports, why not speedway? After all, you rarely see a motoX meeting cancelled. May not be the best days racing you will see, but you would at least see something. And possibly, the track would dry out a bit and normal tyres could be used later in the meeting. Just another thought. To be fair, your opening heading did not explain the information you were looking for, you said what scenario would covers be used in speedway? Then you altered it to when was the last time they were used. If you are new to the forum, you will need to lighten up and get a thick skin, as compared to some forum members, members like me are a pussy cat. I have had many many caustic postings thrown at me, but all part of the territory, but also can be fun too! Relax mate and have a bit of fun. And I am serious about my tyres question.
  20. But JTS, I would like to know, why is he/she is asking the question in the first place? There are speedway/grass track riders all over the UK! What is behind the question? Is Luton thinking of opening a track?
  21. Danny Dunton was involved with Peterborough as a promoter as I recall, did he moved to Cambridgeshire? If he did, he is out of catchment! That is the only name I recognise TWK/Gustix and I am 55!
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