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Ray Stadia

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Everything posted by Ray Stadia

  1. Last night on Panorama, 3rd Nov, they were on the trail of Greyhound Racing. The usual issues, dog doping and what happens to the dogs when they retire. They were also calling for more regulation. Obviously we know that greyhound tracks are speedway's bed fellows in many cases, so this is not exactly good news as they were suggesting greyhound racings days could be numbered. What was interesting, is they showed Coventry and Wimbledon stadiums, which on TV, looked in good nick!
  2. And of course the Pugh's, as far as speedway was concerned!
  3. Perhaps the way forward for many venues.
  4. I agree with you foamfence. For speedway to survive in this country, it has to forget the past and 'what was' and concentrate on the 'what is'. I am afraid it will mean town /city stadiums will be a thing of the past and more 'tracks in a field'. So long as speedway survives, I don't have an issue. Some of the Swedish tracks I saw on TV this year, were tracks in a field or a track in the woods.
  5. The photo appears to be showing a wooden track?
  6. Sounds like the general EL situation and problems are being kicked into the long grass! Just like the way politicians handle things!
  7. Maybe the EL won't exist next year? Perhaps it will be a version of the current PL, incorporating EL teams and then the NL?
  8. At the end of the day, some people have complained. But then, there will always be complainers about something. It's a pity councillors don't work on the basis that if there are less complainers to no complainers, it can be passed! But that is not the way it is, sadly.
  9. I do agree, but I do believe speedway has a future of some sort, but needs to change it's business plan. It needs to start with it's minimum expected 'bums on seats' and then build a team and expected costs around that. If as a promoter, you are prepared to fork out huge wages/fees to superstar riders, but can't square the expenses with the income, any promoter will eventually get fed up with bank rolling it and will want to get out. I have said for some while, until speedway reduces costs, particularly for the riders, speedway will continue to sink. That is what I believe.
  10. I have read the opening thread, but a bit confused. Are we saying, at present, that if someone builds a house, near a site which is noisy, it is the responsibility of the operator at the site to soundproof the site? Bearing in mind the Mildenhall situation, it is probably the case.
  11. However, 8.30 to 9.30! how intolerant people are. As the housing estate is so close, if it affected the estate that badly, there would have been far more protesters, surely?
  12. Very interesting walk through the Eagles history Gustix, thanks. The fact that the Dugards own the stadium and the fact that Martin's boys are taking to the shale, must suggest there is real hope speedway will continue at Arlington in some shape.
  13. That's not an answer, with respect. I will ask again, how many were there tonight?
  14. He is obviously an unpopular young man. I went to a Grass Track meeting, Sunday before last and got talking to a guy who had nothing but bad things to say about DW. I have only seen him on TV and enjoyed his racing. Pardon me, but as spectators, aren't we really concerned about how they are as a racer? Is it right that we get caught up in the off track antics that many sportsmen and sportswomen suffer from? Frankly, I hope he is allowed to ride again, with immediate effect!
  15. How many people would you estimate were there tonight?
  16. Mr Cearns comments are heart felt and very well said!
  17. Eastbourne have been in this position before, as I recall and there has been a solution in the past. The Dugard family have owned the stadium for several years and the family are a speedway dynasty. I would be surprised if this was the end of speedway at Eastbourne, unless the family really have had enough.
  18. You own the woodland SCB? Boy, you must be rich!
  19. I will take your word for it Gustix, not too obvious in the photos! Great photos though.
  20. I think this is all very unfair. We all thought Slough was 'pie in the sky', but hey, the mighty Slough speedway team, proved everybody wrong!
  21. And it was a nice grandstand, but from what I remember, the guy that built it/had it built, went bust and that was the end of that. And from memory, I believe there was some odd financial dealings, allegedly. BV is more sure footed, it seems.
  22. I saw a Grass Track meeting yesterday at Ugley, near Stansted airport. I haven't been to a meeting for a while and unfortunately, some classes were lacking in riders, i.e. a 350 cc heat, had only 3 riders. The main event was the British under 21 championship and was won by James Shanes, who I understand rides speedway at NL level, but is tipped as a great future speedway prospect, I understand. He was brilliant! Very exciting and full throttle! The best supported class was the upright class, which had a rider by the name of Stephen Green, not heard of him before, but was also very entertaining and not a youngster! I had a great afternoon.
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