Everyone can have an opinion. What's happened before tho means nothing as proven when you won twice at Ipswich then lost in the semi by let's face it a massive mulluring. Ipswich beat Swindon the other week at home but lost last nigh at home against them. Its on the night and past wins or defeats count for nothing.
What makes you think Poole would push Swindon harder than Ipswich. You couldnt even beat Ipswich in the semi. Some Poole fans clearly have there heads stuck in the first bend ruts.
It's almost like zmarzlick saying I'm not favourite for world title with 2 gp to go even tho I'm 9 points clear. We all know that would be complete sh@@
Poole top the table over a full season but are underdogs in playoffs. Give it a rest when you beat Ipswich in semi you will be favourites in the final. Stop trying to ease the blow of choking.