Please read my comments below, there is NO intended malice....... BUT they do contain the TRUTH! Read it please and then re-read it to make sure you understand the points that I am trying to make.
I almost never get involved with posts where there seems to be negativity, in fact I try to keep away most times, but your comments here (and eslewhere) 'Wanna' (Lewis I believe) are both un-founded and that they often inspire bad feeling... towards me which eventually rubs off on my family and makes Newport Speedway look a bit of a laughing stock.
FACT 1). In August 2010, me and my family were invited over to Newport Speedway as guests after they had heard of the unfortunate occurences at somerset Speedway that had befallen us after 11 years of support as fans and sponsors.
FACT 2). Newport Speedway had NO website whatsoever at that time. The webmaster was unable, for personal reasons, to carry on with it.
FACT 3). As I had been doing, for better or worse ,the somerset website for 11 years I offered to do a website for Newport Speedway. Nothing cloak and dagger! The Mallett family were happy for me to do this as it had no presence on the web at that time.
FACT 4). Me and my family are, first, middle and last, speedway fans. When somerset opened it's speedway doors we became fans, and later sponsors. After 11 years we left somerset speedway, and then we became speedway nomads until our invitation to Newport. We were, mostly, made very welcome and Thoroughly enjoyed our speedway once again.
We are now about to start our 2nd season but Lewis your comments and insults leave me and the family a little unsure.
FACT 5). The MOST important one.
Lewis, if you promise to carry on with the Newport Website without fail next year then I will HAPPILY close down the 'other' site...that was originally requested by the Mallett family! It will give me more time to just enjoy the sport. I'll keep the webspace just for my photos and possibly the track shop.
You are obviously a proper programmer, it shows in your site. I, on the other hand, am just an shows in the my site!
Sadly I imagine that certain folk, yourself included, feel that me and my family are not really Newport fans. That we are interlopers.... READ FACT 4) again....then re-read it!!
We have made some REALLY good friends over there on the 'darkside' and, at the risk of repeating myself, are really enjoying our speedway again. I am happy that we can put a little into the sport that we love so much.
Don't spoil it for us Lewis!
Mike Manning