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  1. Hi all !! Just to say we (the Spillers) came to Eastbourne to gain the experience of riding on tracks which are a bit different to the fast and grippy "motorways" we generally have here in Germany. We wanted also to ride against different riders enables us to judge where we are at and how to improve. It is no surprise to me that Germany produces excellent longtrack riders but is a bit lean on top level speedway riders ! Eastbourne is certainly very different to the tracks we have here and we were a bit shocked when we arrived !! The day was a very good experience for us all. The boys (and the mechanics) learnt a lot and that was our goal. We had a few set up problems early on and were on the totally wrong ratio in training but that soon got sorted and we got down to some very fun racing with all other riders involved. Congratulations not only to those who were in front of us but also to all other riders. We have been racing for around nine years and now and again you have to take a step back and look at the whole thing a bit differently. Sure we all want to win but take a look at what the kids are doing and even those who aren't on the podium are putting in 100% effort and trying their best. Respect to all who have the bottle to do what the kids are doing. And thank you also to the guys (and gals) behind the scenes organising such championshiops and single events for the kids. We are back in the UK again for the next round in Scunthorpe and we hope to make a few more friends there as well. Hope to see you all and dont be frightened to have a chat - We may be living in Germany but can still speak the lingo !! And remember - Stay safe and have fun.......
  2. Hi, price and piccies please. graham_spiller@freenet.de Thanks
  3. Hi, am looking for Jawa diamond, forks and possibly a front wheel. Alternatively a rolling chassis. Please send me a couple of pics and what price you are asking, speedwayteamspiller@freenet.de Cheers
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