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Bruiser McHuge

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Everything posted by Bruiser McHuge

  1. I think for a short spell Todd Wiltshire was the best gater , certainly around 1990 before he took on a lot of commitments and lost his sharpness a bit.....but he was probably the best gater for a spell , certainly not the best rider but electric from the start. Best racer ?....Peter Collins in his prime, but I would also go for Jan O Pedersen...what a rider, what a passer...seen him go from last to first more times than any rider and when he got injured he was the best rider in the world and would have been remembered as one of the true greats in my opinion.
  2. A tapes exclusion always counted as a ride and 0 points on a riders average...no idea when that changed but it was definitely still in existence in that Gundersen year..it was also used as a tactical aid to get an off form rider's ride out of the way As for Carter...I think he had had his chance of being World Champ when he died....I was convinced he would be around 81 to 83 or so but I think his time had gone in many ways, possibly due to his injuries and the total emergence of Gundersen and Nielsen...I certainly don't think he'd have won in 85 and he didn't look quite the same rider to me by then as in 81 and 82 in particular... We will never know but I just don't think he'd have gone on and won one.
  3. Maybe , just maybe Craig Cook has weighed it up, realised he's an excellent rider who no matter what he does is not going to be World Champion and decided that he is going to use his talent to earn the most he can out of a speedway career....I reckon he'll earn more being the number 1 in the PL and a very good EL rider than trekking to Poland and Sweden for the type of contract that he might get in his position......I for one will never criticise a rider who maximises their earning potential and sees speedway as a business.
  4. The one off World Finals were great...fantastic atmosphere and everything...but they were a product of their time..certainly a good number of the field were virtually outclassed and others were out of contention after a couple of races ....and the latter world finals were a shadow of in its heyday...Havvy winning for instance....they had had their day by the end I think and the GP series is a major step forward and was much needed
  5. I think it's impossible to judge..but I do think that if you were good enough to reach the top of your era then you would be good enough to reach the top of another era...that's all you can base it on really..you can only be the best around at your time but the fact you were the best of your time shows you were good.
  6. They certainly did count as a ride and in the averages ...that year affected Gundersen badly...he usually suffered one tapes exclusion a meeting but usually scored 9 from his other 3 ..it did affect his average though, but he soon came to terms with it and never got many exclusions after that.
  7. I think Carter was certainly the best visiting rider I saw at Hyde Road...until Gundersen maybe.....firstly it was Olsen, then Carter came along, then Gundersen.....they were definitely the best 3 visitors to Hyde Road in their eras in my view. I agree that the tape touching rule accounted for Lee though...he was a super fast rider, he could definitely pass, but some of his starting was basically cheating, but that was the era I suppose..but he was worse than most I think .....the final straw was that Test match on TV against USA when Frank Ebdon stopped every start Lee did causing Lee to storm out of the meeting...I do wonder if he'd stayed around whether he'd have mastered the new starts like Gundersen did....I'm sure with his talent he would have done but there were other things going on in his life as well I suppose.
  8. Riders are no worse now than back then....there is no reason that a top rider is worse than a top rider from back then, and those riders wouldn't have had those averages under current race formats with fixed gate positions and top scorers races etc.....a top rider could take the same gate 4 , 5 or 6 races in one night...they could basically spend a whole night going off one favoured gate, and I saw that happen numerous times.. Now I certainly think that for numerous reasons speedway was a far better sport for league racing back then but comparing averages doesn't mean anything and I certainly don't think the top riders were generally better than today's as riders.
  9. Well I've been watching the building of the new FC United stadium and it's made me realise more than ever how long a process this can be....that took ages to get off the ground and then they said they would definitely start this season in in....no chance....then they said hopefully the end of November....well when I drive past it there is no chance of being in there this season I would say...so these things certainly take time that's for sure When are Belle Vue aiming for ?.....it's 2016 isn't it ?...
  10. I would say there is no doubt that had Bast come to England at his peak then he would have made a real good go at it and would have become one of the better riders in the league.....he would have had the backing, the bikes and the package to do well and you certainly can't look at one Inter Continental Final as evidence that he wouldn't as I would say it's an almost impossible situation to come over in his position and compete in a one off meeting at that level.....I would think that given a season or two full time over here then he could have competed well in meetings like that. But like it's been said he had a decent lifestyle over in the USA and was making good money.....in 1979 he was supposed to have offered to give up his Inter Continental final place to Kelly Moran in return for 8 grand so it shows he had a taste for money !.......he ended up dropping out for nothing though. As it stands I don't think you can put him as one of the best Americans let alone riders but I certainly think he could have been...I also think Mike Faria could have been a far better international rider had he come to England earlier....he came too late in his career I think but he was an excellent rider.......and anyone know why Chris Manchester went from a 10 point rider to a poor second string almost overnight ?....he looked really class at one point for a very short time.
  11. Riding with injuries and niggles are just part of the sport...if you are on the track then you are fit to be judged and from what I saw I would say Newman was consistently the best rider last season ...maybe on certain days Garrity , Kerr or Blackbird were better but I still say based on the whole season Newman was the best.
  12. I don't know Dakota North and don't know if he's trouble but unless your an out and out number 1 then the days of spending season upon season with one club are long gone....middle order riders are basically pieces of meat to be shunted around to whoever fits the bill that particular season...they say riders have no loyalty but clubs have even less so I wouldn't read anything into North having a number of clubs....and the more a lower to middle order rider improves their average then the more danger there is to their team place....surely that can't be right ?
  13. Even if he maintains it wasn't rape the way he actually treated and behaved towards the girl was vile and disgusting and he should show remorse for that alone....he really is a loathsome individual regardless of the outcome of the case
  14. As it stands Ched Evans is a convicted rapist showing no remorse whatsoever...as such Sheffield Utd should have left well alone , especially knowing there is going to be an appeal and possible review of the case....if that review then brought a not guilty verdict and over turned the original conviction then I don't think people could have the same concerns about Evans being signed.....he would certainly be an odious individual but an odious individual not guilty of rape..and nothing could really stop Sheffield Utd signing him .....they have committed an awful PR act by inviting him to train before the review conclusion and the petition signers, the patrons , Jess Ennis and the sponsors deserve praise for their stance and Sheffield Utd deserve all the backlash as a club..
  15. Yes, she's said they have to remove her name from the Jessica Ennis stand if Evans signs.....but I suppose she's only doing that to further her career !
  16. Dinosaurs roam this forum obviously......it's no wonder the average age at a speedway meeting looks like it's about 70 plus judging by the attitudes displayed on here... Charlie Webster is right...the other 3 patrons who have resigned are right, including a male, the sponsors are right....And especially since the Ched Evans media release Sheffield Utd are wrong... And Charlie Webster is currently at the 02 doing interviews and features with the tennis players at the ATP finals...her career is already going ok....I think she's better off without speedway and its supporters to be honest.
  17. Stock cars aren't on as often are they ?...if they were a regular weekly event I would doubt you would see packed out stadiums....as a randomly staged event they can attract more in. They seem to put a big full page advert in the local paper round our way which would attract people in as the ad always looks very good...it even attracted me to take the kids once but I found it the most boring thing I've ever seen , and the kids weren't overly thrilled as well, so I don't think the stock car product is better than speedway's to be honest. There's no accounting for taste anyway...in Australia the solos always struggled to get good crowds and people generally preferred the sprint cars and speed cars on the same bill.....and put a demolition derby on and the place would be packed to the rafters...God knows why !......speedway doesn't help itself but it has an image problem whereby other motor sports are somehow considered more glamourous for some reason...it needs promoting as an extreme sport, emphasise the danger and that will appeal more to the younger element....drop the family sport safe image..it's dull and boring..... There's not that much wrong with speedway that decent track preparation, decent PA systems and decent music and a bit of promotion couldn't solve a bit...sort out the rules and the team formations and it has a future....maybe.
  18. That would be just ridiculous and very damaging to the riders concerned...they have actual averages that are completely false and could never be used in real team building...asking them to suddenly ride as EL heat leaders would destroy everything the fast track system was supposedly brought in for in the first place..
  19. Well I would say a fast track reserve shouldn't be on more than £50 a point...and a very good fast track reserve with the points they are on would more than be able to maintain bikes to compete at that level... We maintained enough bikes over the years for British League and European meetings with far tougher races than fast track reserve races and £50 a point should be more than enough at that level in my opinion........if teams can genuinely afford to pay fast track reserves over £500 a meeting, every meeting, sometimes more , then it's no wonder speedway is struggling.......most motor sport you pay to compete and for very poor prize money until you reach a certain level, which very few do.
  20. A fast track reserve rider on £50 a point that is scoring double figures virtually every match is should be able to maintain bikes good enough for the races he is in and earn a good wage.....over 500 quid a meeting...that's not bad at all for a rider of that level....can't believe people complain about that to be honest.
  21. Ched Evans has never once shown any remorse , never once apologised, never once mentioned the girls family, or the girl herself.....that is more as to why people are against him playing again If he had actually shown some remorse and been apologetic then people may have supported him in an attempt to play again....the fact he hasn't is quite appalling and that is why most people are against him playing again.
  22. She's a speedway person and it's posted in the speedway discussions bit so it's in the right section I would say I think she's very good outside of speedway and actually gets far too much stick when she's doing the speedway.....I think she might move on from speedway now as she has plenty of other things going on... Sophie Blake appears to be getting more air time again and she'd be a good replacement wouldn't she ?....if they need one
  23. To be fair to Peter Johns I think he's more than a fad...he was doing bikes for riders like Todd Wiltshire and Craig Boyce about 25 years ago ..so a long fad ! Seriously though , there are fads and if something is seen as successful then others want to try it and tuners come in and out of fashion... I remember Carl Blomfeldt being the man when Ermolenko was at the top...everybody wanted Blomfeldt tuned engines..there was a fad for using German tuners...I think even riders who knew their stuff , like Sean Wilson used Lattenhammer.....the cost must have been horrendous and by all accounts it's still going on...
  24. I remember as a kid even world champions turned up in cars, the Citroen Safari seemed to be the car of choice, with a bike strapped to the back and all the tools and accessories in the back......imagine that now !...that was only in the late 70's and early 80's. I think the only van I ever saw was Ivan Mauger's and the kids loved it....a van !.....all sign written as well...brilliant Then Kenny Carter had that huge massive motor home that could never fit in the pits...sponsored by the Ham brothers I think before they took over Bradford....that was a huge thing and must have done about 2 miles to the gallon !! ... When was the last time you ever saw a car with a speedway bike with name cover on the back.....
  25. £400 to paint a helmet !.....some riders don't half waste money.. I can't see a standard engine ever being brought in worldwide....most professional sports get dictated to from the very top and there are too many vested interests involved for that to be brought in....these GP riders are running 9 or 10 bikes , all professionally tuned...they aren't going to give that up easily regardless of whether the sport as a whole would benefit.. I've always been amazed at the money some riders spent which never needed to be spent....going back to when my brother in law rode he did a full British League season on one bike and one engine...it didn't look fancy and I saw him hammering rocker arms straight in my garage to save a few quid...he drove a knackered old van to meetings that riders took the Mickey out of...he did all the bike maintenance himself.....at the same time I saw junior riders getting engines back from Otto Lattenhammer at ridiculous expense, wear the flashiest of leathers, the smartest looking bikes....I cringed at their outgoings and their was no real need for it at their level at the time I do think costs need to be cut but while the GP riders are earning what they earn and run 10 bikes at the same time then they will call the shots and nothing will really happen
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