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  1. Anything is possible and a good team has been assembled yet it is only two meetings nevertheless the riders do seem to work well. Good to see Danny doing a great job for the witches having had his prior performances affected by injury.It is a long way to go and hopefully the Witches can all stay injury free. It is not the time to get ahead of themselves but all looks good and fingers crossed that they can bring some glory back to Ipswich. In the meantime well done to all in the witches camp for the aggregate win and unfortunately the Aces were in the wrong place at the wrong time but they should not be written off as serious contenders for league winners, they are a very well balanced team that will come good in time and prove formidable opponents to the Witches and other teams in the league. Based on results thus far all looks good for an interesting season.
  2. Sadly it seems that the days of throwing caution to the wind and travelling long distances to see even top riders are long gone not least for the cost of fuel and food/drinks plus the travel time and the day/time the meeting is run has a bearing on the likely attendance. BSN does offer an option at a reasonable cost to those who are not local to the track hosting the event. Unfortunately speedway and what are prestigious meetings are no longer a major draw and the dwindling number of supporters that are willing to part with the cash is evident given that generally no clubs hold individual events like they use to back in the day. Who knows how you reinvent the sport to attract a new audience but the current promoters, t v coverage and lack of well recognised riders is not advancing the cause.
  3. I think the SGP etc. will be available on one of the offshore on line streaming services as it has been for a number of years. Sometimes it’s in English but other times in Polish. As for u k league racing, this was occasionally available on one particular non u k based streaming service. The question is just how many people are willing to stump up any money to watch the sport on T V given the price rises elsewhere with council tax, water rates gas and electric all rising and forthcoming changes/increases to VED. Monetary pressures all round so probably not a good time expect the average punter to stump up cash particularly giving how fickle the riders are when it comes to the weather with the likelihood of a meeting being called off. Probably best if possible to put money into track visits and the odd BSN meeting.
  4. Those in charge of the sport in this country have over the years squandered the TV opportunities to promote the sport and wasted the income yet given no thought to to the fact that they need to promote the sport to a wider audience and that is a bit like the track attendance, take it or leave it with no thought for the punters. Thankfully some capitulation with BSN who do a fine job and deserve the support of the speedway followers but that in itself does not get the message across to the wider audience of casual viewers who might come across the sport when flicking through the t v Chanels. It does need a main stream terrestrial broadcaster but alas those days have long gone unless someone can convince ITV4 to show at the very least, highlights. That would get it in the published t v listings etc but putting it on Quest is not good enough.
  5. I guess BSN for domestic which seems reasonable value and one of the overseas streaming channels for GPs as long as you are not too bothered about which language the commentary is. As a few know, GPs can be seen for free on certain overseas based on-line providers.
  6. Brian Foote had similar characteristics as did Ted Hubbard, hard chargers. Brian always having elbows out and left leg pointing forward going into bends. Fun to watch and both hated being beaten.
  7. For those that cannot watch, good commentary of the match on BBC Radio Oxford.
  8. Sadly it sums up the dilemma that the sport finds itself in. Too few riders and those that are plying the trade in several leagues going with whoever pays the biggest wedge and the sport in the UK tends to come off second best. Surely those in charge can come up with a formula that allows speedway in the UK to survive and not be subjected to the Polish dominance. If no action is taken, speedway in the UK is on the cusp of turning from a professional sport to an amateur form with it acting as a rider feeder for the more dominate nations. Who knows how it will pan out but those clubs let down by riders who ply the trade in Poland need to think is it worth it.
  9. I really don't give a fig what your opinion is and you carry on believing that only your opinion counts. I could not care less what vitriol you and many others spout and I am simply not bothered about thoseb who cannot accept criticism of any sort particularly Ipswich supporters who cannot believe anyone should have a cross word against the club.I stopped contributing to live speedway a while back like so i am ahead of your request and already comply with your demands and have long ago left the live version of sport like so many who can longer be bothered with speedway or this forum
  10. Good, no one give a toss. Get a life. It is crap anyway and if you think the sport has a future in this country you are another of the deluded souls.
  11. I don’t and stopped a long time ago giving funds to a dying cause.
  12. Probably not but ilk might better describe it.You really are an FCW and sitting here in Malta, it is a great to read the crap spouted by people like you. No one gives a toss. In the wider world British speedway does not even register as a subject for discussion let alone on the home front where support has dwindled to the point where more people go fishing weekly than watch speedway
  13. Who are you to say this. Management, speedway expert officinado or someone so special who believes in some good given right that only you know best. You sum up what this is all about and so I wish you well with your self opinionated comments. I could not care less what your elk think, this is just a good wind up up of suckers like you.
  14. What do you know. Facts speak for themselves, Doyle could have been replaced with a rider, may not of the same calibre but they gambled on everything being OK and clearly a risky sport like speedway, that is a fool hardy position to take and unless you are in the know and can explain why they have either not picked decent guests or failed to get guests in, I suggest you wind your neck in. I have spent enough money and years attending meetings so when it comes to comments on the keyboard, I suggest you go scre yourself.
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