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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Briggo, PC, C. Morton, P. Crump (sen), M. Simmons, R. Moore, T. Woffinden, C. Lofqvist, R. Wilson, M. Ashby. ............. and for something different - my top three 'entertainers' from the old Second Division: Jack 'Crazy Jack' Millen. Tony Childs. Robin Adlington.
  2. I find people in Sport in general have long memories. I've never liked Coventry or Jimmy Hiil since they contrived a late (about 15 minutes) start in a relegation battle in which Sunderland were involved (as usual) Sunderland's game finished at the proper time and Coventry, needing only a point played pass ball for the last 15 minutes or so in order that they got the point they needed. Bastards!!!
  3. Sky coverage of the Premier League up until now has been very good. The problem, to me, is they don't share the Meetings around as well as they might. Just my opinion.
  4. As I said in my earlier Post - I had never met Dennis but had corresponded with him. Thank you Steve for Posting this - it is nice to put a face to the name. Again - many thanks. Ian.
  5. Cheers Tony. I will take that as gospel.
  6. It is a huge difference in Price. I think I would be a bit suspicious too.
  7. Very, very sad to hear this. I never met 'Merlin' as I knew him. We corresponded a few times on this Forum. His replies to my messages were always kind and friendly and we never had a cross word. It is a while ago now since we were last in contact. Rest in Peace. + Dennis - you were what Speedway Supporting was all about.
  8. Do you mean those with Diarrhea? Honestly - the lengths people will go to to slip a naughty word in .............. I don't know. :rofl:
  9. Thank you for Posting this britmet. A very worthwhile and interesting read. A fitting tribute to a great Rider. :approve:
  10. Surely if that were true - there would be no disputes about money. We know there are disputes from time to time.
  11. A great Rider back in the day. I've always understood it was Yan-carts. I stand to be corrected though.
  12. Very good Post. Nail on head I think.................
  13. Fair cop whka1. You will note though that I did state that I hated them and I could only live with them if I had to. (Tactical Substitutes, not Tactical Rides). My main contention, as you know, is that I want no contrivances at all in Speedway. Just because it has 'always been like this' is not a good enough reason for continuing with it if it is palpably wrong. People say that Speedway needs to change to bring back the Crowds - well why not give this a try. It can hardly make things worse and may actually help a little. Actually, it would help a little. I would come back and pay my money each week for a start. I am not claiming that getting rid of contrivances like this will solve Speedway's problems, it won't, but as I say - it might just help a little.
  14. Do I take that to mean that he was British gustix?
  15. Problem is that Councils, in my exeperience, are very slow in everything they do. Hopefully it will not stop Belle Vue going to the Tapes in 2017.
  16. Do you ever actually read your Posts before Posting them? If you did you may Post something that folk can understand. Regarding the highlighted part of your Post - obviously wkha1 didn't or he would not have Posted as he did.
  17. Aaaahhhhh yes - the usual mantra. What does knowing the Rules beforehand have to do with Sportsmanship or Fair Play? Answer - absolutely nothing. Fair Play and Sportsmanship is the way, the spirit in which the Game is played/run. Perhaps once you understand that you will cease from trotting out the same tired and hackneyed old mantra again and again. Unless, of course, you condone the League Champions not being the League Champions. To me that is neither Sporting nor Fair Play. For goodness sake read my Posts - I have never, ever Posted that. If you are going to pull me up for something at least make sure of your facts. I defy you to find anywhere I have said that. I have said that I would prefer Speedway without either the Tactical Ride or the Tactical Substitute. I would get rid of both as I have constantly said. To your final point - it doesn't make it right though - no matter how many Sports do it.
  18. True - but even if they did - would they get all of their investment back? I don't know.
  19. I was actually talking about the 50's, 60's and 70's. You could try watching a few DVDs from that era - if you have any.
  20. Probably because we were taught about Sportsmanship and Fair Play from a young age. Something, I am sad to say, that is lacking in Sport these days.
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