To my mind - it certainly doesn't help Speedway.
It should help, but it seems certain people in authority in Speedway seem happy just to see the Sport on Television and take the money handed over by the Television Companies. The presence of Speedway on the Television should be augmented by a massive push to actually PROMOTE the Sport. Television Advertising could be a start - expensive - yes - but you have to speculate to accumulate. I understand from friends and from some other Posters on this Forum that Social Media could be used much more advantageously and effectively than it is now.
A lot of folk will probably stay at home to watch the Meeting if it is on the Television thus depriving Tracks of valuable income. How that is offset against the Television money - I wouldn't know.
Apart from the folk staying away and watching it on Television, as I said earlier - I can't see how being on the Television hinders Speedway in any way.
My worst moments:
i) The closure of Sunderland Speedway in 1964.
ii) The closure of Sunderland Speedway in 1974.
iii) Briggo failing to win the 1972 World Final - I was there and it ruined my trip home.
As you can see - Sunderland has not been a very lucky place for us Speedway Fans.
You can't say that SCB - there is a first class new Speedway Stadium there for the 'Aces' if some agreement can be reached. DG and CM have both said mistakes were made.
The most important thing to remember about the whole issue is that without D. Gordon and C. Morton there would be absolutely NO Stadium for us to be discussing or argueing about.
They deserve credit for that.
Thanks Dave I have been on the Belle Vue Thread and Posted on it - I never got a notification though. :unsure:
It is now 2017 - I was thinking about the 2016 Thread. DOH!!!!!
I know this is an odd question - but - how long before we hear whether Belle Vue coe to the Tapes this year? I am thinking of Rider availability. Not long now until the start of the new Season - will all of the better Rider be signed up by someone else?
Actually that raises an interesting point to me.
Wombwell is part of Barnsley today. Were there two seperate Teams in those days (1930)? Or - were Barnsley and Wombwell one and the same Team?
Genuine question.
Quite right - but I wouldn't hold your breath.
The BBC has a certain culture. Speedway, indeed Motor Sport in general, apart from Formula One now and again, do not fit in to that culture.
Therefore - they don't show Speedway.
Had it ever occurred to you that perhaps the Tactical Ride is responsible for more than just me not going? There will doubtless be other Rules that some folk can't stomach and refuse to put up with.
I would bet I am not the only one.
The fact it has been going since 1955 - does not, necessarily, make it right.