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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. You are a top man Sir. :approve: I well remember Ross Gilbertson at Sunderland with the 'Bombers'.
  2. IF it is true what you stated above (your second sentence) - then you have answered your own question. If it can't be pulled down until a new Stadium is in place, even if the new Stadium doesn't happen, at least you still have the old one.
  3. Or - if you would like a follow up to the above superb Site run by John Skinner you could get additional information here: http://www.sunderlandspeedway.co.uk/ I have no idea who has put this Site back on line as we closed it down - but - it mysteriously re-appeared. The original builder of the Site was Madweb Design's Tim Allan.
  4. Sadly norbold - you are probably right. That's the point with Sunderland and Speedway Promoters
  5. Let's hope so wtg28. There are grounds for optimism with Neil Vatcher's youngsters in Training. I really hope that one or two of those can come through. We need more than that though to get rid of the dreadful 'hat trick': Double Up, Double Down and Double Points.
  6. SUNDERLAND. SUNDERLAND. SUNDERLAND. SUNDERLAND. SUNDERLAND. That's my top five anyway. I reckon that makes my thoughts on this Thread fairly clear.
  7. The squabblers are winning at the moment. :sad: Sorry to be so flippant but the carry on here is ridiculous. Every time I get a Reply Notification e-mail for this Thread I look straight away for, hopefully, good news about the 'Aces'. What do I get? People acting like bloody kids. I wish they would p*ss off and start a Thread for Squabblers only.
  8. That was a bit naughty norbold. :nono: You should have chucked them down your famous hole.
  9. A shame that this Thread seems to have sunk in to petty squabbling. Personally - I am keeping my fingers crossed for Belle Vue.
  10. I believe 'Dingle' Brown was one of those involved gustix. Hope this helps.
  11. I hope it is still working OK. What sort of lowlife steals a life saving piece of equipment like that? I despair sometimes.
  12. My Wembley visits were really good - but - I was far more impressed with the Racing at the old Hyde Road Track. The Racing I saw there was just awsome.
  13. What a line up the British Final was in those days full stop. Not like nowadays sadly.
  14. At this present time the BSPA Management Committee have responsibility for Belle Vue - that's why.
  15. Belle Vue for me too Sid. That was a wonderful Team. Peter Ravn also rode for Belle Vue. 1981 - 83 and 1987- 1990. A very good and hard Rider if I remember correctly.
  16. I did no know that regarding Grasstrack. Very interesting. As for the question you pose regarding Speedway - I'm afraid I have no answer for you. :sad:
  17. On all fronts steve. Promoting, Presenting and also on the Television. He was a Master of all three in my opinion.
  18. Yes Sid - once he had beaten Mauger I thought - that's it. He looked really good and so fast. I will never forgive Persson for that.
  19. Well - at least I am not alone. Thank you Aces51.
  20. I sincerely hope that you are right.................................
  21. Ivan Mauger was one who springs to mind for keeping records of a Referee's tactics. Apparently he had it down to a fine art.
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